Why I cry...

Tuesday Treadmill Treats

Why I cry...

Its amazing as I sit here once again crying, I do this so often, it shouldn't surpise me.
I think about that only two years ago I stood here broken and hurt and I didn't think I could put the pieces back together.

Then I thought about the time before when I was in one of my darkest hours and I came to church because I had nothing and no where to go. I remember I sat there week after week crying.

I never thought I would ever be whole or happy again.The more and more I came and the more I gave my life over to God, the more peaceful I became until one day I was standing here crying, but they were tears of joy for the peace I had in my heart. See this is true gratitude, pure gratitude from the heart, to know where you've been and how far you've came.

See at the time of your pain, while you are going through the storm, when your heart is breaking, you can't see the sun,  all you can think of is how bad your hurting and you don't see a end in sight.

I am here to tell you that if you give it to God, if you let it go, if you forgive, the pain will go away and the sun will shine again. If you start each day with gratitude, you will see the change.

I put out my heart each and every day in this blog, I write about my happiness and yes, I write about my pain so that you can see that you can be at your lowest point but if you have faith, God will turn it around for you.

That each and every time, life throws something at you, you will able able to get up faster and you will become stronger, because you know the stronger your faith, the bigger the blessing.

No one said this faith walk was a piece of cake, that once you turn your life over to God, everything was going to be all roses and smooth sailing.
No, that is when the real work is going to come in, the work of how much do you believe? How strong is your faith? If you don't get your prayers answered right away, will you still have faith?

No, I didn't think this was going to happen to me, that I would have to endure more pain.
I thought I went through enough in my life, but when it did happen, it only made my faith stronger.

Remember yesterday's blog? Be grateful even when things are bad. See when it got bad yet again, the first thing I did was pray, pray to help me get through this, pray that he would take the anger away and pray for the person who hurt me because they truly needed Gods help.

And guess what? Two weeks later after the hurt, I was at church being grateful for having my faith, for knowing that it will be okay.

I am here to tell you, I am crying at church, I am crying in my car, I am crying all the time because I have found my peace, I have the joy back in my heart and I know I am the child of the most high God and that no weapon formed against me will prosper.

Yesterday after a long day,
I took a long bike ride around my lake, I took in and appreciated all of God's Beauty, I came back and did yoga, connecting with the earth and my creator. After as I turned on my music, my lights and I sat in my back yard listening to the sounds of my fountains and the birds, I sat in my peaceful space, truly enjoying being me and being alone.

See I am happy with me, I am at peace and I feel joy in my heart. Will there be more trails in my life? Oh Hell Yes, that I sure of but am I worried?
No, not at all, I know I have God beside me, its all good and getting better and better with each day.

So today my friends, don't lose faith, don't think this pain will never end, I am living proof if you believe, if you have gratitude, if you truly believe,
all things are possible!

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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