Love is all we need
Love is all we need
Love is one thing we owe to people.
Love is the greatest gift we have and the greatest gift we can share.
Some people are dressed up, with clothes they haven't paid for, with hatred in their hearts, they are so miserable because they have no love in their hearts.
They go around and preach the bible and their faith, when the truth is God said love is the greatest thing. Yet it is the one thing they do not have in their hearts.
Sometimes you are hurt, sometimes people will cut you to the bone and it causes you to be filled with hatred. You can't see the lessons life is trying to teach you because you are so blinded by the hate.
I could have hated the man who raped me, I could have hated my ex husband for the years he verbally abused me.
I could have chose to hate the men who lied and cheated on me but instead I forgave them all.
I could hate my "so called friends" who did me wrong, but instead I pray for them, I pray for them all. I love them because they are God's children and I can not move on and get my own blessings until I love and forgive them.
Was it easy at first? Oh, hell no!
I remember thinking oh you want me to pray for them? Oh yeah...I pray they get run over by a bus!
Seriously, I am nothing but truthful here...
I kept asking, why should I love them? What kind of love did they show me? Forgive them? Really? Why, do they deserve it? Did they ever once try to say they were sorry for the pain they caused me? No, not once, so why should I?
Because it is for you not them, it doesn't matter if they are sorry or if they ever apologize. Trust and believe most of the time you won't be getting a apology but God says you must love, even your enemies, even without an apology.
Love teaches you that you can let it go, so that when you see your ex with another, you know you are over it, you know who you are and who's you are. You know what that other person has to offer, you've been there and you no longer ever want to go back!
You need to pray for the new person in their lives as you know the pain that is coming their way, sooner or later.
I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received, be humble, be gentle and be patient. Do not hold onto anger and hatred, let it go, cleanse your heart, move on, forgive and put love in its place.
Love everyone but choose your friends wisely, that means you don't have to have negative, hateful, lying people in your life, you can still love them, but from a far...
Remeber that forgiveness is the oxygen that keeps your relationships alive, it keeps you alive.
My grandmother had such hatred and a unforgiving heart her whole life, it made her miserable. It literally sucked the life out of her and when she was around, it sucked the life out of everyone around her as well. I saw this everyday as she lived with us and I chose not to be like her. I decided that I will forgive and then I will walk away, I will not end up like her, bitter and angry.
So today my friends, remember especially today, as we live in the crazy world. We need more love in our world, love conquers hate. Love makes the world go around, love is a many splendid thing, love is the only thing worth living for, love will fix you, love will fix others. Love is God's greatest gift to us, cherish it, use it often and freely and never forget that love is all we need.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The blessing in disguise.... revealed**
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