Who have you've been talking to?

Who have you've been taking to?

It's important to ask this question because people will speak things over your life. Maybe growing up your teachers called you dumb, your parents said you'll never amount to anything, your spouse called you useless. And you started to believe them, you took their words and it became you.

See God spoke the entire world into existence, if you are talking to him, you would know you were made in his image. That he thinks you are perfect and wonderfully made.
He made you because he needed someone to work what he spoke, he needed people to take his word and spread it.

God made made man in the image of himself and breathe life into him and I know sometimes it's hard but when God plants you in a place, when he tells you what his plans are for you, aint no devil going to move you out.

God gave you a position, a job and wherever God places you somewhere, he will give you instructions, he will be there for you.

Our problem is that some of you cannot receive instructions and  you will be fired. Just like if you have a job, if you can't follow intructions, you will be fired. You have to be obedient, because you don't realize how anointed you truly are.

You need to be obedient in your job, don't just quit, he put you there for a reason.
If your waiting for a man, you need boundaries, you need to be obedient.

Make sure when you meet a man that he's doing something for you as you are made as a helper to man, not to take care of him.

Be careful what conversation you engage in and with who.
Stop talking to men who are crawling and start talking to men who are walking! See you need to investigate before you let them in.

They are so many men out there with false coverings, they look one way but are actually another. Today's catfish, pretending to be someone who they are not.
Our problem is we don't ask God his opinion in the first place and that's where so many of us go wrong, me included.

We ask our friends, we ask others about our relationships. When we see red flags or that things are hitting the fan it is then we ask but that is too late.

We need to know who we are talking to, we need to see the signs, we need to know who knows the beginning from the end and we must go to him first. Because only he knows all the answers.

So today my friends, remember who you are talking to, go to your source, your maker, he will always give you the answers you need.
Speak to God today.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


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