Most people will resist change

Most people will resist change

How many of us are afraid of change? I know I raise my hand to this one. I was so afraid of change that I stayed in a verbally abusive marriage for 24 years.
I was afraid of change, I was afraid I couldn't make it on my own.
I was afraid I couldn't take care of my girls, fear of change kept me stuck.

This effects a lot of people, how many of you are stuck in a job that you hate? Counting the days until Friday, starting on Monday? How many of you dread going to work? Some even call it hell? Seriously, I know people that went to the same "Hellhole" for 20 years.

Is it giving you what you want? Is there something in your soul saying there is more than this? Do you have a passion, a purpose that your not fulfilling?

If your not getting what you want, you owe it to yourself to do something about it.
To change directions, but most people hate change, most people will fight change as if it's worst than what they are experiencing. They are familiar with this, so they stay.

Know that whatever it takes to create that dream in you, you must do. If you have the courage enough to dream it, then you can do it. Will it be easy? Oh hell no, nothing worth anything is easy but will it be worth it? Yes, knowing you love what you do, knowing you are making a difference, knowing that you are living your purpose, that my friends is priceless.

Most people don't want to change because they are too afraid of the pain. But the pain is everywhere, life is full of pain, pain of rejection, pain of heartbreak, pain of losing someone we love, pain of people not liking you. There is pain everywhere but guess what? You do not gain without the pain.

Do you know what is the worst pain? The pain of regret...If I had it to do over again, I should have, or when your on your death bed saying I wish I had it to do over again ...that's regret. You may have missed the pain of failure, the pain of heartbreak but you still have the pain of regret.

Most people will never try anything differently because they are convinced by others in their lives that they won't make it, do it, succeed.

For 24 years I heard that I could never make it without him. That I was worthless, that I could do nothing right and I believed him, he programmed me to believe that bullshit story.
Deep down I knew who I was, who I use to be, who God called me to be but he changed my mind. He convinced me that it wasn't true.

Who is convincing you that you can't do it?
Who is whispering in your ear, your too old, too stupid, too poor, that the dream is too big?

Maybe it's you, trust and believe, you can be your own worst enemy. Those voices in your own head telling you stay where you are, it's comfortable, you know it, it's a scary world out there, so don't do it.

Many people doubt themselves because once someone said you can't do that.
Take a good look at your life and ask yourself what would it look like if you decided to give up some of your fears? What would your life look like if you decided to become courageous? What would your life look like?

Courage comes from the word "Of the heart"
The courage to love, to be who you are, to do what you were born to do. Courage is what feels right in your heart, you experience fear yet you move forward anyway.

It will take everything in you to change, it will be hard and they will be no guarantees but what's the benefit of not living the dream, of not changing your life?

Look at your life every day and it doesn't work for you, if it doesn't fulfill you, you need to change.
The relationships, the family, the job, the naysayers, the voices in your own head, you need to change it, if your not happy, if your not fulfilled.

The possibilities are unlimited if you try. Yes, you can fall over and over, you can fail but if you never try, you have already failed.

So today my friends, remember if you don't challenge yourself, if you don't step out, you have already failed. You have lost before you even started. It's never to late to change trust me. I didn't change until the second half of my life and do you know my only regret?
That I didn't do it sooner...yes, I waited so long to step out of my fear, my fear of change that I have missed so much I could have done.
Don't have that regret, live your life large, step out of fear and embrace change and as I say in the end of all my blogs...

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

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My book The blessing in Disguise
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