Nothing heals like time

Nothing heals like time

I know as a person that has lost so many people in my life that time heals. That is not saying that I don't miss my mom or my other loved one's who's lives was cut short every day, trust me I do.

My heart aches when I can't pick up the phone to call them or see their smile one more time but time heals, it doesn't hurt as bad as it once did. I can think of them without breaking down, without that tightness in my chest feeling like my heart is breaking in pieces.

The same thing goes for friendships that go by the wayside or love affairs. We think at that moment it's over, how can we survive without them? That our world is over.

I know when my two best friends walked out of my life I was devastated. Even though they were years apart and for two completely different reasons, I was beyond hurt and thought how was I suppose to go on without them.

My one best friend decided I wasn't spiritual enough for her, whatever the hell that means. Even though we went through the darkest times together and without her I wouldn't have been able to have the strength to move on with my new life. She  walked away from our friendship just like that.

My second best friend got back into drugs and alcohol and "borrowed" some money (before I knew she was back into that) and was gone.

Every day I spoke to them, every morning before work we would talk. We told each other everything, every secret, every dream, they were the sisters I never had and it crushed me.

Just like when your in a relationship, they are your everything, you laugh with them, in the dark of the night, they hold you, they promised to love you no matter what. You think this will last forever and when the day comes when it is over and you are crushed.

You wait for their phone calls or the texts, you go to pick up the phone to tell them this or that, that happened in your day and then realize that they are no longer there for you.

Months will go by and there is an emptiness in your life and heart, that you think will never go away. But slowly you move on, maybe a whole day will go by without you crying, then a day will go by without you thinking about them.
Slowly you keep going, it's hard but our heart does heal.

We are all creatures of habit, we do things over and over and we hate change so when these things happen we fight them.

We want the sameness in our lives, we are comfortable in the sameness. So when we lose someone we love we are lost in a sea of confusion, of the unknown and that hurts.

All I can tell you as a self proclaimed person of that you will be able to breathe again, that one day your heart won't feel like it's in a million pieces and that you won't cry at a drop of the hat.
I can tell you as a person who hated change and yet had so much change in the last 10 years, that it will be okay. It will hurt like hell, it will take time, but it will be eye opening for you to realize how much you can go through and still survive.
Even after all the heartbreak I have had with men, the nights of crying myself to sleep and thinking I could never go through this pain again. I will still keep my heart open, I will still love again, in spite of the pain.

So today my friends, remember you may lose people you loss, you may have people walk away, things may change but the old saying time heals all things is true, nothing heals like time.

Give yourself time, go with the flow, cut yourself some slack and trust and believe, it will get better.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
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