What do you do after the process

What do you do after the process?

So may people get shipwreck after the storm. So many people weren't suppose to die in the storm yet they shipwreck themselves in the storms and wither up and die.

You may think your the only one in the storm, that after this last storm, you are devastated and it's over for you.

I remember I lived here during hurricane Andrew, a category 4 hurricane in Miami.
It looked like a war zone afterwards, nothing was like we rememberd it to be. I couldn't find streets I knew before, it seemed like it was over for Miami. But if you drive down there now, you would never know what happened, why? Because we survived the worst storm, we didn't give up, we didn't shipwreck ourselves.
See just like in life, there is a process to faith.

Sometimes we are in a process that we didn't sign up for...
I've said that a lot this year. God, why? How much more am I going to go through?
His answer was
"I only give my toughest battles to my strongest soldiers"

I didn't want to be his toughest soldier, I didn't sign up for that, wth?
But he chose me, like it or not, he thinks I can do this.

I've learned through this, that sometimes your why is for someone else. When God closes our doors and we don't understand, it's to benefit someone else. Yet when we are going through this, we are looking for doors so we can make sense of the storms. We are looking for a way out because it hurts to much, because we are too scared.

Listen to me, you didn't go through this for nothing. God has a plan even if we can't see it.
I know his plan for me was this gift of writing, this story I get to share with others who may feel that they are hopeless. I am here to say don't give up. Look at all I've been through, it will get better.

We are all human and sometimes we break down, I raise my hand to this, sometimes we ask God why? We are tired, we don't want to do this anymore, haven't we had enough?

But the storm is not there to keep you shipwrecked, it's there so you can rebuild, so that you can grow, to learn lessons and to move on.

I remember that night of hurricane Andrew, I was so scared, I thought we were going to die, I thought it was never going to stop.
But like everything in life and every storm, it finally stopped and the sun came out. A new day, a new start, a new beginning.

We learned to rebuild, we learned to build stronger homes. We learned to be more prepared, we learned to know, help and love our neighbors, we learned our strength. These were the lessons the storm gave us

So today my friends, I am here to tell you, trust the process. Go through the storms, pray, but trust and believe after the storms come, the sun will come.
What is most important is what we do after the storms, after the process.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


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