The urge to quit

The urge to quit

Some of us have dreams, dreams that we believe in but sometimes life happens. We see month after month, even year after year going by and we don't see anything changing, and then we get discouraged. We think its never going to happen, this is as good as it's going to get, I'll just learn to live with this.
We give up, we get defeated, we get lost in the sea of hopelessness.

We all go through disappointments, we all have loss, pain is a part of life. It's easy to get discouraged or even bitter, sometimes, as we look at pieces in our lives and we wonder what is going on? When is this going to happen or why is this happening to us?

The key is what we do in these times.
See pain changes us, heartaches, loss,  disappointments, they don't leave us the same. They change who we are, every painful time is developing us, it is teaching us a lesson. It is in those tough times when your hurting, that it will change you but its up to you. You can come out bitter or better, you can come out defeated or you can come out a overcomer with renewed passion for your dream.

You can be like me choosing loser after loser and you could choose to become bitter,  hell I have every right to be bitter and angry against men. To say all men are dogs and I am done. But I chose to keep believing that there is my prince charming out there looking for me as well.
I chose to realize that I know some amazing men including the 3 men who raised me, so I know they are not all dogs. This is your choice, you get to decide how you will feel.

You needed to say I may not like this but I will not give up because I am a warrior. See without the pain we could not reach the fullness of our victories.

Sometimes we bring pain on ourselves, we pick the wrong relationships, overspend, make the wrong choices. But we all have the ability to change, to make a difference, if we do not quit.

It's easy to quit, it's easy to give up, to walk away. The hard part is to stay, to fight, to keep getting back up and keep going even after you've been beat up time and time again.

I am human and there are days I want to throw in the towel, days I want to quit, days I cry out to God "When God when? I've been patient, I've done what you asked! I am tired, when?"

We all say this, we all feel this way at some points in our lives. We are human and that's what humans do, we questioned, we have little patience. We want it and we want it now!
But that's not life, life is hard, life sucks sometimes but we must not quit.

So today my friends, remember you can do anything you set your mind to. You chose to keep going, to hold on even when it seems impossible.
You chose to win or you chose to quit, the decision is up to you. Chose wisely.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
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