Racism: Why does it still exist?

Racism: Why does it still exist? 

I could never understand this and today with many years under my belt, I still can't understand it.

With all of this coming out recently about the racism felt by Prince Harry and Megan Markle, to the point that they are leaving the royal family,  because they've had enough, this issue has been brought to the forefront yet again.

 I don't understand it because I wasn't raised knowing it. My mom was born and raised in Harlem, her best friends were black, there was no segregation in New York when she grew up. When we moved upstate and even though our town was small, we were diversified. We had black families, white, spanish, Jewish, Indian, mixed families as well as gay families and we were all friends.

My "big daddy"  Sam Whitfield was family friend as long as I could remember, he was at our table so often that he was our family. My first very best friend was named "Cookie" and it was there, at her house that I learned to love fried chicken, collard greens and her mom's incredible corn bread. Most of my friends growing up were black, so this wasn't an issue for me.

There was no color, there was friendship, there was love, there were people who had your back and you had theirs, it was that simple.

It was never us against them or that we thought we were better in any way, we knew that we all bleed red, that we all have hearts and that we are all human beings, period.

When I started to go to church again, I found one that touched my heart, one that spoke to me, my soul, it just happened to be a mostly black church. Yet I never felt more welcomed and loved from the moment I stepped foot in there. These wonderful men and women are my friends and they have grown to become my family and yes, I would lay down my life for my family, there is that much love there.

So when I still hear so much about racism in this country I am blown away, Why? What makes you think your better than another human being? Who said you were the chosen one? Because someone else doesn't look like you?  

I would have hoped that in 2020, with so many strides we have made, so many ways we have come forward, that this would change.

Look we had a black president, who would have thought that was possible years ago? Even the women that married the Prince of England is multicultural,how many little black girls or multicultural girls never dreamed that they could be a princess? And yet here it is.

Look how many Judges, Supreme court justices, Senators and politicians are now black. Yet, how is that there are still so many people stuck in a time warp about racism? Please explain that to me?

There is no racism, there is just stupidism, stupid small minded people who for some God forsaking reason think they are better then someone else. And these stupid ass people are passing this down to their children, we know this because all children are not born racist, they are taught that. Children don't see color, they don't see disabilities, they don't see differences, they love with a pure heart. So how did we come to lose this pure heart? By stupid people thinking they are better than someone else. Today we have classicism, sexism, racism because it makes some people feel better about their tiny little minds.

So today my friends, let's stamp out stupidism, let others know it's not okay to say racial slurs of any kind. It is not okay to  judge a person on skin color but to judge them on their hearts. We need to see who they are inside and to be more open minded about another's culture and race because we all bleed the same color and at the end we all will turn into dust, no matter what color you are.

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed


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