There are some days

There are some days...

There are some days I feel like I can't get it together because I am tired from working 3 jobs. There are some days I don't feel like waking up at 5 am to go to the gym, my body aches and my mind isn't into it.

There are some days I get overwhelmed by all I have to do, being a single mom, being alone and having all the responsibilities on me. There are some days I would like to hide in my bed, pull the covers over my head and tell the world to go away.

Yes, I am human and even though it may seem like I have it all together there are some days when I am barely getting by but I just don't show it to the world. We all have these days, these weeks, that life is overwhelming, that everything is coming at you, that the list of things you have to do keeps getting bigger and not smaller.

For me, I have learned to listen to my body, I have learned to sleep in when I need sleep. To leave the dishes until morning, to say no more often when I just can't do anymore. It's hard, I am like the energizer bunny, I go and go and go until I drop, literally but lately I have been listening.

Two years ago my new years resolution was to listen...listen to that voice inside of myself, to be still and hear it.Trust that intuition and don't second guess it. I know that's hard for most of us to do, especially for us women who are born to please. We don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by saying no or that we can't do this or that.

I need to tell you that it's not about pleasing the world at your expense, it's about knowing your limits, it's about knowing when to say enough is enough and I am standing my ground. I am not suggesting to give up on life and crawl under your covers, I am suggesting that you know when you are overwhelmed and back off, slow down, take a me day, trust me it's alright to do and the world will not fall apart because you did.

It's alright to go to bed early or sleep in late, it's alright to feed your kids cereal for dinner because you have no energy to make something. It is alright to leave the clothes piled up to be washed or to be put away, it will all be okay if you take some time for you.

I remember when I was married, everything had to be perfect and it didn't matter if I was killing myself trying (And I was) I would die rather than not be perfect and hear it from my ex husband.


So I would literally kill myself to do things that he wanted me to do. I'll never forget one day I had a list of things to do and places to go, a typical mom day. When my ex came home from the gym and said "We need to clean this garage!" 

Now "We" was his code word for me as "we" never did anything together, it was always on me. He stormed off to take a shower and I started to cry, I was tired, I had too much to do already today but I knew what was coming if I didn't. So there I was cleaning this garage crying, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted but still doing it because I was afraid to say no.

I no longer do this, I am not perfect, my house is not perfect, my kids are definitely not perfect. My life is not perfect and you know what it's okay, the world is not going to end because if imagine that?

So today my friends, I am here to tell you It's okay, don't stress yourself if you can't get your list done, if your life is not perfect, if your feeling overwhelmed, its okay to take some time for you, because you can't take care of everyone else unless you first take care of yourself. That is why thro tell you on an airplane to put the oxygen mask on you first and then your children, you first...

And just know, it's okay and that there will be some days....

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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