I am sickened by the press
I am sickened by the press
Today I am sickened to say that I am a follow journalist because to me being a journalist means taking pride in the amendments especially the one that covers our free speech.
In case we have forgotten what it says:
Amendment 1
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
This gives us freedom of speech it does not give us the right to ruin people's lives. It does not give us card blance to do imorral things to others. So today I am here to an announc that sickened by my fellow journalists if you even want to grace them with such a title.
When on Sunday afternoon, a reporter from TMZ announced that Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter plane crash, they crossed this line. His family didn't know of the crash, the other families on board didn't know of the deaths of their loved ones. They all got to hear it either on the radio or through social media. Seriously?? This is not okay!
But recently the media does not seem to care about the human side of telling the news, they are only interested in ratings, being the "first" one to break a story even if it means breaking someone's family, lives or spirit.
Take the case of the reporter that broke the story of Aaron Hernandez being gay in April of 201.
Aaron Hernandez was outted by reporter Michele McPhee on the Kirk and Callahan sports radio show. She went on to say that he killed Odin Lloyd because Odin caught him in a compromising position with another man.
She and the talk show hosts even went as far as making jokes about him bring the receiving end horrible, crude jokes about a person's sexuality. Whether you liked him or not, whether he was a convicted murderer or not, that is not the way a true "journalist' should behave.
Two days later Hernandez hung himself in prison.
Now look, I'm all about freedom of the press, hell I am a writer and this is what I do. So no, I don't want anybody to ever tell me what I can and cannot write about but there has to be a point, where there is some kind of standard that we as writers must take a stance for. There has to be A-line that we cannot cross when it comes to people's lifes.
Stating your opinion is one thing but to actually do harm to someone from your words is totally another thing. I can't imagine that the writer at TMZ wouldn't think how would that feel if it was them driving down the street and heard that their loved one, their father, their husband, their daughter was just killed in a helicopter crash. How would you take that in, hearing it on the radio? Now compare to it if some police officer came to your door, you have people around you that love to help you take it in. People there to comfort you, look either way it's hard but to have to hear it on social media, it is just sickening to me.
Did they not think about how this would affect that family? No,they obviously just thought about the ratings and being first to break this story and this is the problem with the media today.
It's all about the ratings, did that reporter even think about Aaron Hernandez family when she cracked those jokes? No,she didnt think how that would affect his mentality, how this would affect his wife, mother or daughter? No, she didn't she was thinking about ratings, she's on the radio laughing about it about him being a tight end or receiving, hello!! How sickening is that?
I'm sorry there has to be a line that we cannot cross as journalists, because where would it stop if we don't take a stand now and change this?
For me being a human being comes before being a journalist. If I have to write something that's going to hurt somebody, then I'm not going to write that and if I do write something that does hurt somebody unintentionally then I am the 1st one to raise my hand and apologize for that because this is not who I am as a person. I'm not trying to go out there intentionally hurting someone with my words.
I think that these reporters forget that they're human beings 1st and that other people's feelings matter. They gave seemed to forgot that it's all about the big bucks, the likes on social media or the 10 minutes of fame that they're getting from ripping someone's life apart. These reporters should be ashamed of themselves and should not be able to be writing about people anymore. Yes, I feel this strongly about this and you should too . This is not what freedom of the press is all about, this was not what our for fathers fought for when they wrote about this so many years ago. Being able to speak out about your opinion that was different from the government's opinion or from other people's opinions that is what the 1st amendment is all about. It is not about ruining peoples lifes, it's not about getting the highest ratings or the most likes, that is not what they wrote the Constitution for
So today my friends, if this bothers you as much as it bothers me well then stand up and ask for change, no demand change because we as journalists are not above the law because we afforded this gift. We now all get the chance to speak against wrongs and we can make a difference. And as I say at the end of every blog....
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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