Calling out "so called" friends

Calling "so called" friends out 

So if you follow me you know I never call anyone out. Okay...once with Me. Con artist but that was really a public service announcement. But I have to write this and if it sounds like I am being petty or bitching, I apologize in advance because I am. 

See I have a dear friend of mine who is always the first to help anybody out, who will go to other people's events, come early to set up, take pictures, stay late to help clean up, she'll do anything anyone asks of her. She was always the first one to raise her hand to volunteer, or to help someone out that is the type of person she is.She will offer rides, pick people up and drop them off, never asking for anything 

I am telling you all this as recently she fell onto some really hard times. She is a single mom, who's job cut her pay right before Christmas, her both parents fell ill and were in the hospital together and while they were there she took time off to be there as it didn't look good for her mother.During all this her car broke down and she had to scrape up 550.00 to fix only to get it back and a day later it breaks down yet again with an estimate of another 700.00. This was not a little storm she was going through, this was a shit storm as so many things were coming at her all at once.

 I know that she is not the type of person to ask for help so I decided to ask for help, for her. I put out multiple group texts and explained her situation and hardship, thinking that all of her friends and "church family" would step up. I have to tell you I'm shocked, I know I shouldn't be because so many people are just for themselves but I really expected everybody that knew her and everybody that she's helped so much to step up.

 I even gave a window of time to send money as some people might not get paid that week but they could give the following week when they got paid. Still only a few, and I literally mean a few like 5, showed up and showed out.

I think this is a disgrace and I'm sorry I'm calling people out to say that you all should be ashamed of yourselves.

Being her best friend I know the things that she does for people, I know how she goes above and beyond every time someone asks something of her and yet when she falls on hard times, all of her "so called" friends are not there for her.

Again I know that she would never call anyone out about this but I am her friend so I have no problem doing so.

So I know that one of my biggest lessons I keep having to learn is that not everybody has my heart. Just because I would do something doesn't necessarily mean somebody else would do that and I keep realizing that over and over again.

 As much as I am a positive person and I try to see the best in people sometimes it really hurts me how unkind some people are. I don't understand how selfish some people can be and yes, that bothers me. No matter how many lessons I keep seeing this one still bothers me.  

Maybe because I know that between her, myself and Denise, the 3rd in our trio, all of us being single mothers by the way. No, matter what happens or how much we have or don't have, we always manage to give to one another.

It might be gas money or groceries or babysitting or whatever it might be but were always there to help each other out. So this is why I can't understand why so many of these people who act like they are her best friend when they need her have not stepped up or as if yet 29 days after my request did not help out. 

I know that God will see her through this as he always has but that's not the point and maybe I am being petty here but I can't help myself because I am human. I don't understand what's wrong with this world that everybody is so caught up in this whole "me" generation. It's all about me,what I can get, what you can do for me, that nobody cares about somebody else enough to give back.

The point that really gets me here is most of these people are "so called" Christians and that makes me laugh even more. Yes, I said it! Look I call a spade a spade, I'm not Willy Wonka and I won't sugar coat shit not even when it is hiding under the cloth of being a "so called" Christian because if you were truly a Christian you would reach out and help this woman out when I asked.

Maybe you need to pray about that and ask yourself what would Jesus do?  I know he sure as hell wouldn't leave this poor woman without a car, without money to pay her rent and all while everything else is coming at her and she is struggling to get by.

But it's okay, I now know who is truly her friend and who is just out for themselves. And I will leave it at that.

I know that I am a friend till the end, I know what I would do for someone I loved and cared about. I cannot sleep well with my conscience if I didn't, my question is can you?

So today my friends I am sorry for my rant, sorry if you don't feel like I am being "Christian" but when I am a friend, I am one for life, through thick and thin, and when you hurt I hurt and when someone does you wrong, it is as if it is happening to me as well.

I am working on being a better Christian but as I always say I am human.

So this is why I am so upset today and had to call it out. Rant over!

On the positive side, for the rest of you, stop thinking of only yourselves, help someone out, give back, pay it forward there are so many people out there struggling and you never know what your help can mean to them. And If your Christian then show it not by words but by your actions. I will leave you with one of my favorite bible verses which applys here….

Hebrew 6.10 

God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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