Changing the ingredients to make a perfect dish
Changing the ingredients to make a perfect dish
If you like to cook or bake you know that sometimes you need to change the ingredients to make a perfect dish, the same thing goes in life.
Maybe you feel like things are not where you want them to be, or you do not know your purpose. Maybe your relationship is not all you dream that it should be and you want to get out but you don't know where to turn.
There is an answer to all of this, its called prayer. Yes, prayer, because prayer changes things. If you truly want things to change, you need to pray, simple as that. Especially in these times that we are going through now, we all need some prayer in our lives.
This time is the perfect time to reflect on what you need to change in your life. Look deep inside and really see what's not going right in your life. If you don't like the way it looks, change it. Just like if your cake doesn't taste good, you would change the ingredients, this is the same thing, it's as simple as that!
Maybe you need to add more kindness, more forgiveness, more faith, or more peace. Maybe you need to take out hate, negative people, toxic relationships, doubt and fear. All of this is on you, all things can change if you choose to change and it all starts with prayer.
When you come to a point in your life where you no longer know where to go, or you have fallen so low, that you can't see any light at the end of the tunnel, it is time to change. This is why I write this blog, because I am here to tell you, to give my testimony, to say yes, trust me, prayer changes everything.
I know when I am not praying, I feel the turmoil return to my life and I am not talking about praying for things, or praying only when you're in a bind and then forgetting about it when things get better. No, I am talking about even in the darkest times, praying, knowing you will be okay. I'm talking about keeping the faith, praying when the only prayer is a broken one, it's okay, he hears your prayers. But I'm also talking about praying because you're grateful, praying not for anything just because you feel fulfilled, praying because you found your peace and joy. See, we should all pray, all the time.
Maybe this turmoil we are going through now is a test, to find out how deep and how true is your faith? Ask yourself, If your prayers aren't answered right away, do you give up? Will you do what he asks of you? Will you pray for all the answers in your life or just the ones you need immediate answers to?
I know that I pray each and every day, I pray and give thanks that he woke me up. I pray I have my girls, my home, my business, my friends and family. I pray for others, yes, even others who have hurt me. Yes, even for my ex husband. Because he tells us to pray for our enemies, pray for the people who did you wrong and I must listen.
All of this has caused me to walk away from fear, anxiety and hatred. I no longer worry about stuff, I am no longer afraid, even going through this pandemic, with no clients, no money coming in,as everyone else is worried about getting sick and dying, and panicking, I feel the peace of God.
I am not worried or fearful of nothing. I know all will be okay as I am the child of the most high God and he will take care of me.
So today my friends my message for you is to remember that It will all be alright if you pray. If you can change the ingredients of your meal when it isn't tasting so good, you can change the ingredients in your life to make it better as well.
Know that if you have faith, that is all the ingredients you need to have to have a consistently great dish.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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