Change is scary
Change is scary
This week I've talked about change, unexpected life changes that, ready or not are happening in our life. With this new normal we are facing, there are a lot of changes going on with everyone and it can be scary.
So we can either embrace the changes or we can stick our heads in the sand or shut off our hearts because we are afraid. We can keep going down the path we were on, making sure we don't get hurt or we can stand up and embrace the fear. Yes, change is scary and fear often keeps us stuck in one place. We rather stay in a horrible situation than step out in the unknown which seems that much scarier in our minds because we don't know what's out there.
But what if you never took a chance? What if fear kept you stuck, what would you have missed out on? I for one can tell you I wouldn't have had my own business, I stepped out on faith, just getting divorced to start a business from scratch. I didn't know how I was going to pay my bills, how I was going to get clients, I wasn't getting alimony and the measly child support barely put food on our table. How was I going to do this?
If I let fear rule me I would be stuck in some stuffy office working for peanuts, kissing some 20 year olds ass and hating it. Instead I decided that since I was shaking up my whole life as it was, why not step out and do what I was passionate about. I took that chance and now six years later, I have an amazing business I love, lots of clients, I make the rules and I have been able to take care of my girls and I.
But for me changes from the heart are even more scary, because I used to have a bad picker. I used to choose men who can't or won't step up. I had the need to please so bad that I use to give away my voice, my power and lose myself to another person. So in this area of my life as with a lot of us women out there and I imagine some men as well, this has been the scariest part, to let go and let love in.
But I've realized that life without love....well, that's not a life at all. We all need love, we are built to give love and receive love. It is like the air we breathe, it is necessary to live. If you don't step out and take a chance, what are you missing out on? What amazing things and people will you have missed? If you don't take a chance, you will never know.
So today my friends, I leave you with this... yes, the world is a crazy place right now. All of our lives are being shaken up and rearranged but we must change, we must be open to change. We don't know what the world will look like when this is over, where our place will be, how many people will be lost, jobs that will be gone but we must not get so caught up in fear that it keeps us paralyzed. Just remember that opportunities are lost in a blink of an eye, but regret can last a lifetime and I for one don't ever want to regret anything in my life, so I have learned to overcome my fear of change.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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