Mass hysteria

Mass hysteria 

So everywhere you go these days, everywhere is talking about the Coronavirus; some people are almost in mass hysteria. I even know some people that are almost afraid to leave their house anymore.

One person was crying and said she was so worried about it she couldn't sleep at night. It was even affecting her whole life because she was so stressed out, that it was all she was thinking about. 

 She asked me what was my take on this whole thing, well here is my take for what it's worth. And we all know that and a quarter will get you on the New York Subway or at least it could years ago…

Anyway my take is that one thing I've learned from going through my divorce, is what stress is. I was so worried about everything that I lost so much weight, my hair fell out, I couldn't sleep, I was having heart palpitations and some days I felt like I could barely get through the day because I was stressing so much.

My pastor asked me "Does any of that stress change the outcome of what is going on in your life? The answer is no, it's not going to change the outcome of anything"

Stressing means that I am worrying about something that I can't control, my worrying is not going to change the outcome of anything that is going to happen or not going to happen. So why would I waste my time on something that is not going to change the outcome of shit? I have other things in my life, real things that I need to place my time and energy on, besides the fact of freaking out about if I'm going to get this virus and die or not.

If that's the case maybe we should never leave our houses because IF we walk outside we might or might not have a chance to get hit by a bus. We might get into a car accident, and it is more likely to get into a car accident then to get this virus. So should we live our lives in a bubble because of what if's? What if we get hit by a bus? What if we get shot? What if this, what if that…. 

Im sorry that's just crazy to me, here is my thing, if it's my time to go, then it's my time to go. 

I'm ready because I'm not afraid to die, when God wants me to come home, I'm ready. Whether it's by getting hit by a bus, or a flu or whatever it may be, it's up to God and I'm good with it.

By me washing my hands is not gonna make me go faster or live longer, so I can't be worrying about shit like this.

And besides with all this extra stressing, the chances are greater that you might die from a heart attack from stressing about things you can't control. I can't live my life worrying about what if's, what if this happens? What if I get sick? What if I can't work? What if I can't find a husband? What if I lose my job? What if this? What if that?

Seriously, I'm not going to waste my precious time on this Earth worrying about shit that may or may not happen. Look, wake up people, life is too precious to waste time like that.

Look, I'm not saying you shouldn't be prepared, just like in Florida we prepare for hurricanes. We have extra stuff in the house, we take precautions but besides that, I'm living my life, I'm not worrying about it and I'm not definitely not losing sleep over it. Did you forget about what happened back in 2000, we were all freaking out because we thought the world was going to end.  All that stress about that Y2k is here, everybody was also in a panic and guess what then happened, nothing! Remember Swine flu? We are all dying! Not! Wait Ebola, Sars, yes, they will definitely kill us? They were going to wipe us all out, we were all gonna be dead but guess what? It didn't. Again my point is I will not stress myself out to the point that I won't leave my house or that I am all consumed with thoughts of peril.

So today my friends, look be cautious, be prepared and then go on living your life, don't let the newest pandemonium hold you hostage in your own life.

If it's your time, then it's your time but I refuse to go hold up, stressing and wasting whatever time I have here. As I said before I am going screeching into the grave screaming "What a frigging ride!!"

Not in a mass hysteria.

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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