It's time to reset
It's time to reset
"To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven"
Life is a cycle or season of events that serves God's purpose on the earth. Whatever is happening to you serves a purpose even when you don't think so. Every disappointed, every betrayal, every heartache serves a purpose.
It is all a season of events that we must go through that serves a purpose, his purpose. You see there are always changing seasons, every year one season ends and another season begins. Winter ends, Spring begins, Summer takes over, then it's over and we have Fall, every year, every season, that's life.
But here's the question you need to ask yourself, are you staying in a place that is over? Did that season pass and yet you're still trying to hold on to it?
We need to remember the verse
Romans 8.28:
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose"
God has a plan, God has a purpose for you and your life he has pushed you into a season but your still in the old even when it is clearly over.
You are exposed to greatness but still think small.
You are supposed to move on but you're holding on to things that you should have let go already.
You need to reset, you need to do it over because one thing can change it all but not if you're not willing to move.
Could it be that you're still stuck because God gave you a spirit and you were on the right path but then you got off track? You were supposed to go this way, let go of your last season, for that was just a lesson but you're stuck because you didn't. So every now and then God will send an angel to tell you to adjust, reset and do it over again. He will send you signs, many signs if your hard headed like me but still you won't let go and then you blame him for staying stuck.
You may have made a lot a dumb mistakes but that's okay because when people look at you they will say look at the works that God has done in your life. They will see all that God has done for you.
But you cannot hold onto things that are no longer relevant, sometimes he will change your surroundings, change your friendships, change your relationships but trust and believe it is according to his purpose.
Some things are in front of you and you know it's expired. There is a set time that is for you but you must recognize that it is time to move on.
There are some processes that are no longer working for us and we need to let it go.
How many of you have killed ideas, dreams, relationships because you don't know how to reset? We've all tried to beat a dead horse back to life.
You need to pay attention to signs that you need a change, ask yourself do you need to reset that relationship? The job? That friendship?
Don't attach yourself to the past, to the things that no longer serve you,
some things are just for a season and when God cuts it, you can't reattach it.
It's a process and many of us are failing because we can't adjust to new things. Do not be afraid of change, to do things over because it is a necessary process for us to keep going on our faith journey.
You will love again...
You will find a better job...
You will find another home...
You will find other friends…
Trust in the lord and reset your life, make the necessary adjustments to start over. God has been telling you that you can overcome, you can do better, now you need to start listening. See do over is what God is calling for so he can do better things in your life, more than you can imagine.
Remember the journey in the bible that should have been 11 days, it took 40 years because they wouldn't listen. Don't make your journey longer than it needs to be.Don't keep doing the same things expecting different results
God had to cut it out of you, because you were not moving, you were not letting go, you were missing opportunities, making delays in your life and adding unneeded stress. If you keep it up it will leave you wondering for 40 years more than you have to.
I hear this message, I am this message because I know there were many times when I knew it was time to move on and I was still stuck.
How many times has God told you to recalibrate, turn around, go back, reset, but you're still not listening?
Maybe it's time to readjust your life...
Maybe it's time to look at the signs...
Maybe it's time to reset your life so that God can show you what he has for you...
The real path he wants you to take, because he has a plan and a purpose for your life, if you listen.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
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