Is this the new normal?

Is this new normal?

So it's been almost 4 months since this new normal has come into effect and how are we faring? 

Well, everyone you see especially in social media land has picked a side. Either you believe the media or you don't trust the media.

Either you’re for #45 or you hate him.

Either you are for the police or your for Black lives matter.

Either you think this is a conspiracy theory or you believe that this virus is killing people, but no matter what you believe there will be people challenging your opinions. 

It seems like our freedoms are being taken away or we believe we are trying to help the world heal. There have even been people marching in Washington with guns no less, calling our hard-working doctors and nurses liars. Trust and believe if they were black men in Washington with guns protesting we would have had an incident like the Tiananmen Square protests, where they killed almost everyone. 

Not to mention racial violence or that so many people are pulling out their sheets from the closet that they've been hiding there for so long. It's now okay to be openly racist and we are seeing all the "Karen's" coming out in full force. This has gone to a whole new level of hate.

Right vs left, Republican vs Democrat, Black vs White, everyone seems to be against each other and no one seems to really care about all of the deaths that keep happening day after day. 

No one cares about all of the families losing their loved ones, all of the sick people fighting for their lives or all of the people who are out there day after day keeping the world going. They are fighting, they are scared, and   yet still they are caring for those who are sick and dying while the rest of us sit home safe and warm.

We have not even come close to bringing this to a close, in fact we have done the opposite of every other country. We have now become the epicenter of the world, the hot spot, the how not to do this.

We are yet again the laughing stock of the world, as the country is falling apart. 

And what about the people who run our country? The leaders, the senate, the governors, mayors ect..even #45, they are all going along with their lives, getting their salaries and still playing golf, imagine that?

While most of the world is starving, worrying about getting thrown out in the streets they don't seem to care. So many people are worried about not having electricity or water because food is the most important thing at the moment. What about the single parents who now have to teach their children at home, who are frazzled as it is and now having to entertain and teach these kids who have been on lockdown.

Yet the government says send them back to school, it's safe but they tell us this as they do their meetings over a zoom call. How can parents have to make a choice of sending their children off to possibly die or possibly come back with it to kill off their families or better yet not work and teach them from home when they may not have a home to live in with no money coming in.

How can our government make us choose? How are they not stepping up like many other countries in the world with support for their citizens? The answer is we no longer care for each other, it is all about us vs them. The rich vs the poor. The powerful vs the weak. They have money, they have food and homes that aren't going anywhere, so they don't care. They are still getting their high paying salaries that we pay for, so this is not affecting them so why should they care.

Today my friends, I hate to tell you but unfortunately this is the world we are living in and it doesn't seem to be getting any better, unless we all start to make a change this is and will continue to be our new normal

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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