Who are you to judge?
Who are you to judge?
This last month no matter where you turn, it's all about the rights of black people all around the country.
People are up in arms, they are protesting, they are bringing out the big guns, hatred, name-calling and judgment.
Oh, yes, people at their best, showing their true colors of bigotry and racism all over this county, "the land of the free"
But that is only so if you are white and privileged.
And yes, here comes the "Christians" out there throwing around the bible and saying how "these people" are going to burn in hell! How they don't understand why they are protesting and rioting.
Yes, even some of my "Christian" friends flipped out when I posted things about Black lives matter, just like they did when I posted a picture on my Facebook page to the rainbow one, to show my support of gay rights. "Don't you know it's a sin, they are going to hell, you can't possibly support this, this is the devil"
Let me tell you exactly what I told them…
I support every right, black rights, gay rights, the rights of the LGBT community, the right to chose your religion. I stand up for women's rights, rights of freedoms and injustice, rights for people with disabilities. Yes, everyone deserves to live the life they choose to live, just like I chose to live my life, without people judging me.
This is why people risked their lives to come here because it "used to be" the land of the free.
Free to choose who you want to be with, free to choose a better life for your family. Freedom of religion and freedom of speech, this is why America was the melting pot of the world. It's not anymore and it's sad.
We now think we are too good and we should only let the real "Americans" live here.
Now ain't that some shit? Did we forget we killed hundreds of thousands of native Americans and stole this land we now call ours?
And as far as the "religious" go, I don't know about yours but my Bible says love one another, it says, those who have no sin, cast the first stone...did you miss that part?
It is not my job to judge another human being, just because their skin is a different color because their religion is different than mine. It's not up to me to judge because they love someone of the same sex and want to have the same rights as you and I. No, that is not my job, my job is to love you because of who you are in your soul, the goodness and light I can feel within them.
People always ask me why I had so many friends in school, it was because I was friends with the stoners, the jocks, the snobs, the nerds, the misfits, any and all groups or "clicks"
It didn't matter then and it definitely doesn't matter now, I love everyone, period!
Some of my dearest friends, even my best friend is gay and I am so happy for all they've accomplished. Yes, they now have the same rights as I do and they can screw them up as much as we have!
They have the right to have health insurance and life insurance and a legal right in property. They have a say in the care of a sick loved one and the right to be there and hold the hand of their life partner when they pass away. Rights they didn't have before, basic rights we have taken granted of for so many years.
I don't understand why people think only they should have these rights. We, white people, take for granted walking down the street in a hoodie, getting pulled over or getting stopped by a police officer. We don't fear for our lives, we don't worry that the color of our skin will not afford us jobs or housing. No, every day we take these "rights" for granted.
So tell me why so many people think this so wrong? Basic human rights afforded to you and me but not to "them, or those people" because they don't believe in what you do? Is that the reason? Because their skin is a different color? Because they chose to love someone different than you do?
And tell me, who made you God? Who put you in charge of morals? Who said it was okay to hate? It definitely wasn't in my Bible, which says over and over... love one another...love your neighbor.
I am going to listen, that's what I am going to keep doing, sorry if that offends your sense of "morals" what a laugh that is.
That's what use to make this country so good, you can believe in what you do and I can believe in what I do without percussion. Imagine that?
So today my friends, practice compassion, practice tolerance, and practice love…
Love is the most important thing we can share, the thing we all need, the incredible gift of love.
Do not judge as you haven't walked in their shoes.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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