What were we celebrating this 4th of July?
What were we celebrating this 4th of July?
For many of us, this 4th of July didn't feel right. For many of us, we decided not to celebrate our independence, our "freedom" because so many people in this country are not free.
So many people are not allowed the same freedoms that many white privileged people are.
So many people are locked up in cages, right here in the United States of America for trying to come to the land of the free. A land that used to accept people from everywhere who were looking for a better life. People who were running away from a life where they didn't have rights or freedom of speech.
This was the land of milk and honey, this was a place where they could provide a better life for their children. We accepted them with open arms and now we put them in cages like animals, so is this our great America?
How about celebrating the fact that the man who runs our country is racist, who is sexist, who makes fun of people with disabilities, or calls women pigs or dogs? Maybe we're celebrating a man who is pushing racism and tweets that the KKK are good people? A so-called leader who is trying to divide and conquer instead of trying to help heal and put us back together, is this what we are celebrating this year?
Are we celebrating the fact that we stole the land, we stole once before from the Native Americans for our own purpose and gain. That they don't have clean water or good medical care,
Is this what we are celebrating?
How about the rights that we fought for and died for that are slowly being taken away now… rights of women, of our LGBT community, basic human rights for healthcare, maybe this is what we are celebrating?
Maybe it's because hundreds of thousands of people are sick and dying of this virus and yet our so-called leader decides to make it about him every day. Even as far as having a show on land we stole from the Native Americans with thousands of people together with no masks, in a time where every doctor even the head of the infectious disease department says we shouldn't, are we celebrating that?
How about our troops who are being slaughtered by other countries and we knew about it, our own government knew and yet did nothing, maybe we are celebrating that?
Maybe this year we are celebrating the fact that thousands of black men are brutalized in this country for no reason, by our own police officers who we pay, to protect or serve. And yet for years we stood by and did nothing.
Maybe it's the fact that we made jails for-profit and allowed thousands of black men and women to rot there for years for petty crimes to line the bureaucrat’s pockets.
Maybe we are celebrating the fact that all of my black and brown friends are afraid, in their own country, a country we seem to have forgotten that we built on their slave backs.
Please, please tell me what are we celebrating? I will tell you what I am celebrating, the fact that even though we are such a fucked up country that so many men and women still want to lay down their lives to protect us, even when the problem is clearly on our own soil.
I celebrate their lives and the lives of so many soldiers who have died for us. Even though when they come home we treat them like shit, and the fact that we don't take care of them or their needs, yeah we definitely made America great again…. NOT!
Now you can say I'm un-American, you can call me names but what you can't dispute is the cold hard facts….
We are no longer the land of the free and we are no longer the greatest country in the world.
And until we all are, until we all have the same rights, until we all realize that we all bleed red, that we are all one race, the human race.
Until we stop thinking we are better than others, on land we stole and killed and built on the backs of slaves then we will never be truly free.
“Be the change you want to see”
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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