Does my truth scare you?

Does my truth scare you?

This is the blog that I was speaking of yesterday, this blog is the one that my cousin spoke about. I wrote it many years ago but because it is so relevant in today's times I decided to run it again. Many people cannot speak the truth, especially when it comes to themselves, they cannot shine a light on it, as they are afraid of what they will see.

My question to you today is does my truth scare you? Since I started writing this blog the one thing I have been, is totally truthful. I feel I can not try to inspire you or encourage you if I am hiding something that happened to me or something that I was or am going through. 

No, I had to be brutally honest about everything, the good, the bad and even the really ugly, I tell it all. I don't get embarrassed, I no longer have a ego (Remember my saying Ego=edging God out) 

I spent way too many years worrying about what people would think of me, or putting on a fake smile, so they wouldn't see all the dirt hidden in my closet. No, now I am completely honest, completely open and completely visible to all who read my blog.

I will never lie about anything I write about, nor will I ever lie again in my real life as well. See I am free, I am here to tell the world, this is me, warts and all, take it or leave it, but this is the way it is.

So when my cousin told me that someone thought she put me up to writing a blog recently and that I had lied about past events in our life, that just pissed me off!

Okay, I am Christian, but I am human first, remember that truth thing?

I would never make something up to make another person look bad, read my blogs. I lift people up every day, I would never cut anyone down, but I guess the truth hurts some people. Yes, I tend to forget that as much as I want to believe that anyone can change, some people will never. They will continue to be small minded, bitter and constantly thinking that they are better than others. They put others down to make themselves feel better. Trust and believe I know too well about these types of people.

But my philosophy is, if that's what gets you through your day, by all means go with the lies in your head, but I will continue to speak the truth, like it or not.

Ask anyone I have a memory like an elephant, I remember it all. I remember all the horrible things you did. I remember all the put downs, I remember you wanting to have the light that shined from this precious child so you did everything in your power to stomp it out in her. You knew she was truly a gift from God and you were so jealous you couldn't see straight, so you beat her down, belittled her, called her names. You embarrassed her in public over and over, so you could have the light shine on you instead. 

I never had a sibling, so I just thought this is what siblings do and maybe some do but when you continue this behavior as an adult, it says a lot about who you are as a person. This IS the character of who you are and simply it's sad, really, really sad.

You can say anything you want, just know I speak the truth and maybe it should scare you, because it shows you the truth in a bright light. I am not perfect nor will I ever be, I have done some messed up things in my life but I put it all out there. I own it, I asked for forgiveness and I have forgiven, I no longer hide my screw ups, I now wear mine like a badge of honor. Yes, I did it, I own it and now because of the lessons I've learned I am a different person. 

So today as you read this, remember that your actions cause reactions. When you say something out of malice and bitterness knowing that it will cut like a knife to another, ask yourself this, does what I wrote about your character back then, mirror your character today?

Because at 15, they are the mistakes of a girl. At 50, they are a reflection of the content of the women. 

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

Selling on my website



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