Doing something for someone with nothing in return
Doing something for someone with nothing in return
It's unfortunate that in today's world, many people would not help others out without something in return. It always seems to be about what's in it for me?
They say, "Why would I do something and not get anything in return?" Anymore, those are the sad facts.
I was recently speaking with my best friend from childhood and he was saying that another friend of his was coming to visit him.
He went on about how she better get a ride from the airport to his house. That he was no taxi service, and he didn't want company in his house.
When I said I was organizing a friend's house this weekend, he said, "We'll at least you will be making money." I told him that I am doing this for free as she is having a hard time, and I know when your house feels better, then you feel better.
He went on to tell me I was crazy, that he would never work on his day off without getting paid.
I had a really hard time with both of these statements as I feel totally different. Especially since Covid, I know life is too short. I will drop everything to pick up a friend who is coming to spend time with me. I will gladly give up a day off to make a friend feel better. It's not about being inconvenienced. It's not about the money. It's about showing love.
By doing these things, I am showing my friends and family that I love them. That I am willing to put whatever I am doing on the back burner to place them front and center. Their happiness is enough for me. That is my gift.
I truly hope that I never lose this gift of giving because that saying is really true. It is better to give than to receive. I know that the things that I do are because I am so grateful for the blessings that I have received. I want to give back to others. They say you can't get blessed with a closed hand. So I chose to give with an open hand, not begrudgingly but with joy.
So today my friends remember, it is truly better to give than to receive. The joy you bring to others, you get back tenfold. Don't ask what you can do for me. Ask what I can do to make someone's day, someone's week or month. Remember, life is too short, and if someone wants to see you, know that you are blessed to have friends because many people do not. Count your blessings, not what you're getting out of it. Do something without getting anything in return.
"Be the change you want to see"
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