The rippling effects of PTSD

The rippling effects of PTSD

If you were like me, you may have only thought PSD was only for soldiers who went to war. I never realized that anyone could have this disorder. People who were in terrible accidents or have crimes committed against them or even people in abusive relationships. All of these people can have PTSD from traumatic events that happened in their lives.

Some people who have been in bad car accidents can't drive on the highway again. They literally have panic attacks, and it brings back all of what happened to them. Same with people like who were in abusive relationships. I lose it when I think someone is trying to control me. Or when someone is acting like my ex towards me, all of sudden I have flashbacks, I physically feel like I am right back there.

I never knew that according to mental health professionals, post-traumatic stress disorder (or PTSD) is a mental condition that results in a series of emotional and physical reactions in individuals who have either witnessed or experienced a traumatic event.
The condition may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of the trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions.

This fact was really news to me, that the effects of PTSD cause these symptoms.

Inability to develop or maintain positive, healthy interpersonal relationships.

Inability to trust others.

Chronic feelings of fear, worry, and anxiety.

Low self-esteem.

Social isolation.

Self-harm and suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

This is a real disorder, and so many people are going through this without ever knowing it, like me. Luckily for me, a few years ago, I realized that I was the denominating factor in a few of my relationships and decided to go back to therapy. I went to a therapist who specializes in abusive women. She called this right away, and I was shocked. Her answer was "Well you were in an abusive marriage for 24 years, and you think you walked away scott free? With no lasting effects?" Well, yeah, I thought so, but obviously not.

So today, my friends, I am here to be brutally honest with you, I now know without a shadow of a doubt that I am suffering from this as lately I have been in it badly. But I want you to know that you are not alone. If something happened to you and you are feeling this way, you need to get some help. 
There are many free or low cost avenues, and yes, now your insurance will even cover it. I am here to tell you that you do not have to suffer alone. I will be here sharing my story and what I am learning in therapy. 
And as I always say at the end of every blog…
"Be the change you want to see"



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