The power to change

Power to change 

So many people want to change, but they don't want to experience the pain. They don't want to surrender. They want to change, but they don't want to do the work. We need to know that the spirit gives birth to spirit.

The Holy Spirit will move through you to help you live your best life possible. 
We need to know that the mind who is governed by the Holy Spirit brings peace.
The Holy Spirit will teach you change. If you live in the spirit, it will give you strength when you are weak. 
They will give you the words when you need them. 
People may not see you changing, but the Holy Spirit sees the changes.
Suddenly, it only happens after you constantly surrender. 

There must be a change in you. You must surrender, you must let go of control, you must trust in the Holy Spirit. You may be too comfortable in your situation, and that is why the Holy Spirit is taking you to a place you may not like. 

You may say Jesus take the wheel, but when he goes to a place you don't want to go to, you want the wheel back.
The Holy Spirit will take you to places you don't want to go. To grow or to help it grow.

You desire too much control, and you weaken the effects of the power that it has over life. It's not your job to control it but to stay close to it. The farther you are away from the source, the less you feel it. 

You need to learn how to actively wait on God. 
You need to believe in Roman 8.28 All things work together for your good. 
You are not the source. Only God is the source. You need to allow him to move you. 
So today, my friends remember that yes, you have the power to change, but real change is only possible if you are led by the spirit.
"Be the change you want to see"


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