First priority

First priority 

People are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge. There's more to our lives, and God has more to give us than we can ever imagine. But sometimes we don't have the knowledge, we don't know his word, we have nothing to believe in. 
When you keep rejecting the word and instead you are excited about rituals because you are fighting for position in the church, for recognition, then you don't trust God. When you seek God, you will open up the doors of unlimited possibilities. All you have to do is seek him first.  

How much longer are you going to wake up unfilled. How many resolutions are you going to make that will never happen? How long are you going to listen to society about your life? 
You need to remember that every blessing that you will receive is controlled by God.
First and more importantly, it is not to seek your personal aspirations. The most important thing is to aim after his kingdom, and all these things will be given to you. 

You have been asking why things aren't happening in your life, you're stressed, you're worried, and you're not fulfilled. Maybe it's because your focus is off. Do you include God in your day or your decisions? 
You are in the kingdom of God, but you're living and listening to the world because you don't want to hear what God has to say. 
How many of you are walking away from things that are for your good. You are letting go of things that will last for temporary fulfillment.

So today, my friends remember, it's not about the preacher or the church. It's about your relationship with God.
How many of you are worried about your life.

"And who are you by worrying, can worrying add one more hour to life?"
You're counting your problems instead of your blessings. Therefore, don't be worried or anxious, for your heavenly father knows what you need, and all these things will be given to you. All you need to do is trust in him and put him first. 

"Be the change you want to see"


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