The next generation is worried about the future

The next generation is worried about the future 

As I was exercising with my girls the other night, they were talking about the state of the world. They are scared, as they should be. Look what we are leaving them, look at what we have done or not done to protect them and our planet. 

They spoke about the shooting at our local beach this past weekend and how they feel that Deathsantis is trying to make the state of Florida the wild west again. 

They spoke of the rights they no longer have to their bodies. They spoke about climate change and pollution. They even went so far to say that they didn't think they wanted to bring children into this fu@ked up world. How sad is that? 
We did this. Our generation didn't stand up for future generations. We are the 80s generation that worried more about money and power than anything else. It didn't matter what we had to do to get it. We wanted it. 

We lied and cheated to get homes we couldn't afford. We didn't have a cause like the people who grew up in the sixties. Causes of stopping war, civil rights, women's rights, and living with peace and love. No, our cause was to make a lot of money and fu@k everyone else. 

Now, this generation is suffering. We wanted to be "friends" with our children, we didn't discipline them, we gave them "time outs" we indulged them, not making them work and giving them all they asked for. So many of them are now useless. Sorry if that stings, but the truth is the truth. 

These kids must now figure out how to make the world a better place without their mommy wiping their ass. That's scary. But many are passionate about this cause and have taken to speaking out, even running for government to try to change things, so I still have hope.

So today my friends, remember this is what we are leaving for the next generation. We still have time to make a difference while we are here. We must try to be the change we want to see, so they are not worried about the future we left them.

"Be the change you want to see"


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