
Cyber bullying 

I thought growing up in the dinosaur days was bad with bullying. You had that one or two neighborhood bullies that always had to mess with anyone that they felt were “below” them or that they thought they were weaker. If you were picked on growing up, you know how horrible that was. But today is a whole other ball game. 
This is bullying on steroids. 

Today, with the world wide web, you can now get bullied by not just two people but two thousand or two hundred thousand people. Everyone jumps in and has a say, even though they may have never met you or even know you. They can turn your words around to mean nothing like you were trying to say. And before you know it, they are trying to cancel you for something that is not even true. No trial, no innocent until proven guilty, just pass go, don't collect your 200.00 dollars, and go straight to social media jail. 

It's terrible. It's like when Facebook puts you in Facebook jail for a meme you put up four years ago. Now people are going after people for things they said years ago. Oh please, we have all said things we regretted years ago! It's ridiculous that someone should have to apologize again for a mistake they made 20 years ago. 

Everything was “socially incorrect” back then. Hello, just watching some of the old television shows would make the kids of today's heads blow off. Politically incorrect, you have no idea! 
But we have learned and grown since then.

So today, my friends, maybe we should try a little more compassion. Maybe we should try to be a little more kinder to people. Let's not all jump on the social media bullying bandwagon.There are always two sides of the story, and then there is the truth.
Let's try to see the truth, and let's try to be the change we want to see.


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