It's all in the way you look at things

It's all the way you look at things 

I know that I'm so positive it makes some people sick. Yes, I am “that” person who sees the best in everyone and everything. Yes, I do see the glass half full. 

While talking to my best friend recently, I was saying that I was excited about going home for a multi year reunion. I was going to see many of our high school and grade school friends, and what a good time we are going to have. He said, “Ain't no one wants to see them, girl, I could care less about them!’

He doesn't keep in touch with many people besides me. We have very different points of view on the subject of childhood friends. I keep in touch with almost all of my friends and he keeps in touch with me. 

He doesn't have friends where he lives. He works from home, and his mother lives with him. He hasn't been on a date in years and hasn't gone out to try to open his circle of life. For him, a vacation once in a while is enough. For me, it could never be. I, on the other hand, have many friends that I am constantly doing something with. I have church and other things that I do that I enjoy to keep me involved and busy. 

I don't want to be this old person saying fuck this one or fuck that one. I don't know how much time I have here but I do know I want to live my life large! I want to leave the dishes in the sink to hang out with a friend.
It's not an imposition for me to pick up a friend from the airport who flew in to visit me. This is life, these are the memories that I am making that are priceless, with people I love. 

I don't want to be that person who is too busy or too self absorbed in their own life to share it with others. Life's for sharing, sharing memories, sharing love and sharing laughter. I want to forever keep doing that. I'm not going to be that miserable old person no one wants to see because they have nothing nice to say about anyone.

So today my friends, remember life goes by too fast. You never know when your time is up. Is it more important to have a clean house than a house full of friends? Is it more important to be rigid, to not let bygones be bygones, than to enrich your life with other people? I guess the question is up to you on how to live your life but for me nothing enriches my life more than to share it with people I love, doing the things I love. As I have told you before, I want to go to my grave screaming what a frigging ride!!
“Be the change you want to see”

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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