What social media is really doing to us

What social media is really doing to us.

According to the department of health, in a recent study they found out that children and adolescents who spend more than 3 hours a day on social media face double the risk of mental health problems including experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Children today no longer play outside. They no longer read unless it's a meme. They are becoming antisocial and interverted. They have no social skills and are more likely to try to commit suicide.

Yes, social media can be great. You can connect with friends and family you lost touch with. It can answer questions you previously had to pull out a dictionary for. Yes, another dinosaur reference. It is great for so many things, but it comes with a down, dark side as well.

With all the “fake” people on social media trying to front or look a certain way that is so not even close to real life, so many people feel like they can't compete. This brings on anxiety and depression. Couple that with cyberbullying, and that is a dangerous mix. 

Then there are shows like The housewives of who gives a shit, where grown ass women are after each other and putting each other down or trying to outdo one another. Are these the “role models” we are showing to young girls, seriously? And we wonder why we have these statistics? Come on, people, get real. Look at what's going on in La La Land that these kids are thinking is real. 

This is not real, but when you don't know any better, you think it is. And you strive to be skinny or beautiful or have all these things like they do. No one shows people fronting and not being able to pay their bills. These beautiful people get thousands of dollars worth of work. The down and dirty side of fame that no one one ever talks about. This is killing our youth who are trying to keep up with the fantasy.

So today, my friends, I am here to say get real! Let's start posting the real stuff. Let's talk about our failures or our heartbreak. Let us show our youth that this is a make-believe world and that you are wonderful just the way you are, flaws and all. The only way we are going to help them is by being real and showing them what social media is really doing to us.
“Be the change you want to see”


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