Who's raising who these days?

Who's raising who these days?

It's amazing to me, seeing so many children who are raising their parents. What do I mean by that? That kids today have free rein, and the parents are either afraid, or maybe it's just too much work to raise these children.
I was recently at a client's house, and the kids had written all over their bedroom walls. I guess my face spoke volumes, and the parent said, “Well, you know, kids, will be kids.  

No, the hell they won't. 
My kids would have been beaten half dead if they did that. I don't mean that literally. Haters you can sit down now, but you get my point. This is about you and how you parent. You dont get to blame it on the kids. Another time, I had a friend who let her kids put all kinds of stickers and wipe their hands all over her new car. She laughed and said the same thing. 

I'm sorry that's a cop-out. You don't want to be a parent. You don't want to teach your children right from wrong. They have no boundaries. They can do anything they want to because you are not teaching them responsibility.
You say it's because they are kids. I don't believe that bullshit. There is always responsibility. There are always consequences in life. Please, I wouldn't let my children write on their walls or act that way in my car because I work hard for the things that I have. I take pride in my things, and so, you, as a reflection of me, will also be that way. 

When you get your own home or your own car, you can do anything you want to. But in my home or in my car, you're gonna respect my rules, or you better believe there are going to be consequences. 

Oh, consequences…Yeah, children today don't seem to know what this is anymore. They will throw themselves on the floor of a store and scream and cry until the parents give in. Try that shit years ago, and your parents would drag you out by your hair and beat your ass all the way home. Trust and believe that would be the last time you pulled some shit like that.

Today, parents want to be “friends” with their kids. You are not their friend. You are their parent. Remember that! It's a job, your job to teach them right from wrong. It's your only job to raise a self-sufficient human being. 
Yes, it's hard. Yes, they can be annoying, but you can't give in because you're tired or because you are sick and tired of listening to the whining. That's not the way it works. 

So today, my friends, if you have a child, it's a tough job, but you signed up for it. It's your job to teach them and to raise respectful children. It's your job to teach them right from wrong. It's your job to be the parent no matter how hard it is. Children are not supposed to be raising you. Seriously, who is raising who these days?
“Be the change you want to see”


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