Owning your shit and the trolls who will never let you forget

Owning your shit and the trolls who will never let you forget 

Recently, I wrote about how people are now coming out and are doing a “Block out” of certain celebrities. 
They feel these celebrities are not doing enough for their liking, so they are trying to block them off of social media. 

It's funny. I remember when a lot of celebrities were coming out and apologizing for things they've done in their past. It was because the trolls wanted them canceled for things they did years ago.

Like when Piers Morgan called out Chrissy Teigen in the wake of her apology to American media personality Courtney Stodden. Who claimed she subjected her to nasty comments years ago.

Morgan condemned her past behavior as an "insecure, attention seeking troll."

Teigen replied, "I'm mortified and sad at who I used to be."
We have all done crap we are not proud of in our past. She stood up and owned her behavior. She apologized and hopefully learned and grew from it. 
So does that mean the trolls get to drag that shit out years later and beat us with it yet again? No, we made mistakes. We apologized for them. Hopefully, we learned our lessons, and we've moved on. 

We are living in strange times where everyone is worried about what they say  and even what they said 20 years ago. I think this is crazy. Look, I get that we all make mistakes, and when we get older, we are supposed to get wiser. I understand apologizing for the stupid things you did when you were younger but to feel like you have to bother’s me. It should come from a place of growth, a place of reflection that you realized that what you did was wrong. Not that someone pulled some shit out of your past that you did and is now trying to make you feel bad about it. 

We are so worried about what we say and who we will offend that everyone is walking around on eggshells. I grew up in the generation of, put on your big girl panties, and suck it up. Not everyone gets a trophy. No, you needed to work hard in order to get one. Not everyone was so in their feelings that everything offended them. 

We weren't friends with our parents, and we had boundaries that we knew better than to cross. We made mistakes, and we learned and moved on from them. No one was constantly throwing them in our faces. 

That's what's wrong with social media and society today. Too many trolls are always trying to cut someone down and make them feel bad. 

I'm happy that Christy apologized for her mistakes, and maybe it gave some peace and closure to the person she hurt. If more people took responsibility for their actions, the world would be a better place. 

But we can't condemn people for their past if they are trying to do the right thing and move on. You know the old saying “He without sin cast the first stone…” Well, ain't none of you should be picking up any rocks. I can tell you that, and that includes me.

Why are so many people pointing fingers, and really, who died and left these trolls in charge? Seriously, it's sad that so many people have no life, that they sit behind their computer screen and judge others. Who are you to say this one should be “Canceled or Blocked out” 
Can you say you've never done something you regretted? No, so sit the fuck down.

So today, my friends, if we want to change the world, we need to take a long, hard look at ourselves and not others. We need to ask, did I hurt others by my actions? What made me do that? And what have I learned? Then we need to own our shit and make it right. Some others need to realize what is missing or broken in their lives, that they must put others down to feel good about themselves. 

We must all own our shit to become better, and like I say at the end of every blog…
"Be the change you want to see,"


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