Some days, the sun just feels brighter

Some days, the sun just feels brighter 

There are some days that when you wake up, it just feels brighter outside. Like the sun is shining just a little brighter in the sky. Last weekend was one of these days for me. I was planning to go to the beach, but when I woke up, it said it was supposed to feel like 105 out. I was tired, it was a long week and I really wanted to veg at the beach. 

I considered staying home and cleaning out my closets, but the beach won out. As I was driving there with my top and windows open, feeling the hot wind and listening to my favorite music blasting, I felt so alive! I'm so happy to be alive! I was so grateful to God, to the universe, to everything. 
There are some days when everything just seems perfect. This was definitely one of these days. 

When I got to the beach I heard from an old friend. I sat there and laughed for almost 40 minutes with him. I was so happy to hear from him and I was so happy he was still in my life after 40 years. This made me want to reach out to another old friend, and we also talked and laughed for a long time as well.

I realized that as much as I “don't” have in my life, I have what I need. I have my beliefs, I have God in my life. I have my girls, and I have friends and family that I love. I am blessed to have my health, my business, and a home. I may not have what I had before as far as money and things, but I have so much more now. 

It's not the material things that make me happy anymore. It's the little things, a car ride with the windows open listening to my favorite song. The breeze at the beach, laughing with an old friend. Quiet dinners with my girls and the peace that comes from being whole. These things are priceless to me. 

So today my friends, I am here to tell you it's not about the likes, it's not about what you possess, it's not about any of that, it's about the important things. Things you can't buy, things that mean the most. Health, love, peace, joy, and laughter. These are the things that make the sun feel that much brighter. 
“Be the change you want to see”


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