Friends with your exs exs

Friends with your exes ex

Now I know that many people think I am nuts because I am friends with my ex's exes. But why is my question? It is obvious that the men I dated had at least one thing in common, that had great taste in women. 

Yes, the women they picked are all beautiful, kind, intelligent, and strong women. It's a shame they couldn't be a real man and keep these women. 
So the question is, why shouldn't we be friends? What do we have against each other? Just because we all had the same lousy taste in men, should that make us hate each other? Oh, please grow up.

The first time this happened was with Mr. Con Artist. I reached out to his wife. No, I didn't know he was married until I threw him to the curb and did a background check on him and found out he lied about being divorced and everything else. So I reached out to his wife to let her know what had happened. Yes, I felt she should know what he was doing to her. When she dumped him, I knew she had moved down here and had no family and friends. So I reached out and said if she ever needed a friend that I was here. I also invited her to Thanksgiving dinner as I knew she had nowhere to go. She came and we became good friends after that. We went out together, we went to the beach and yes, had holiday dinners together. She is an amazing woman who also fell for his bullshit. How could I possibly hate her? She was great, and none of this was her fault or my fault. 

The next time was with an ex I dated in high school. I knew his wife when he was married, and when they divorced, we started dating again. I reached out to her in the beginning to make sure she was okay and she wished us the best. 
She never told me what kind of man he was even when I asked. She was classy till the end! 

When we broke up, I asked her why she didn't give me the lowdown on him. She said that maybe he really loved me and had changed. She didn't want to come off as the bitch ex wife talking about him. That right there made me respect her more than anything and yes, we are friends too! She is an incredible woman, and it is truly his loss.

So today, my friends, let's not hate one another because we dated the same people. I chose to open my mind and learned that these were amazing women who just happened to fall for the same guys' bullshit. And even though I no longer have that relationship, I've made a good friend out of it. Which to me is way better. We women need to stick together, we need to let go of jealousy and pettiness and realize that not all exes are bitches. That's just what they want you to believe because they don't want you to be friends with their exes.
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