PTSD in Relationships
PTSD in relationships
So recently, I wrote about the effects of PTSD. Today, I want to get into another kind of PTSD.
Relationship PTSD, or post-traumatic relationship syndrome (PTRS) as it is sometimes called, refers to the response a person may have to one or more exposures to a traumatic event within the context of a relationship. While you are in these types of relationships, verbal, physical, emotional, psychological, or sexual.
It has been shown to leave lasting marks.
PTRS results in some PTSD symptoms, but often with more intensely emotional reactions that often lead to negative social interactions.
Due to the slow and insidious nature of PTRS, you might not notice symptoms until after the relationship ends. The relational patterns and relationship itself, rather than a single event, become the trauma. You may notice that you have lower self-esteem, blame yourself for relational troubles, feel more insecure than you once did, or overthink in relationships.
In this state, you have triggers, and it feels like you are reliving the events you went through. You may have nightmares about your previous relationships. You may jump from one relationship to another or pick the same kind of man. (Sounds familiar? It would if you read my blogs)
Little things may set you off, like someone belittling you or trying to control you. Other people like your boss or co-workers may trigger this response in you.
These are all the lasting effects of the abuse. Even for me, who has been divorced for the last 11 years, I still kept picking the same kind of men afterward. Even when I thought I was out and doing better. I don't have depression, I am not usually anxious, but boy put me in a situation where someone is acting like my ex, and here it comes, rushing back like it was yesterday.
This is when we must realize what is happening to us again and get the help we need. This will never go away unless you address it. You need to learn your triggers and how to deal with them.
So today, my friends, I am here to help you with your mental health as I am working on my own. We may think we are better because we are no longer in that abusive relationship, but the side effects linger on. We must always try to improve ourselves, and we must realize when we have a problem and seek a solution. As I say at the end of every blog, only you can be the change you want to see.
"Be the change you want to see,"
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