A message in dark times
A message in dark times
Recently so many people I know are going through something. So many things are coming against them, they feel stressed, overwhelmed and depressed. I have heard this over and over that I started to think it's almost a universal thing lately.
I know even for me, a normally happy and positive person, I have even been caught up in this cycle. It's been really hard to overcome this feeling and just when you think your getting better, just when things seem like they are looking up...Bam! Something else hits you and your back at square one thinking why me? What's going on here? I can't take this one more day!
After losing yet another person I loved this year, I felt like I had nothing, I felt so lost and sad and I felt defeated. So I did the only thing I know to do, which is pray.
Now maybe you don't believe in what I believe in and that's cool but a lot of people do believe in something higher. We might not all call it the same thing but it is what we look to in times of need.
I prayed to God because I know I can't get through this without him and I have hit rock bottom on more than one occasion so I know how he has helped me. I prayed every day, sometimes all day as I couldn't wrap my head around all that was coming at me.
And what I heard was;
"To much is given, much is required, God only gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers"
Over and over I heard this...
Now trust me I did not want to listen...Hello God...don't you think I've been through enough, hell I'm so tough I could be a world champion boxer! Seriously this is the answer you give me?
But I realize there is a reason I've been through so much, that I've lost so much, that I keep fighting, it is my purpose.
It is so that I may tell everyone who reads my blogs or follows my videos that it will be okay. That you got this...look at me, I am no different than you and I did it.
This is why I am so brutally honest in my blogs, I have no problem admitting that I have picked losers, that I fell on my face on more than one occasion, that I screw up and I am not always a "Perfect" Christian whatever the hell that means.
But I know my strength comes from him and not from me. I know that I will keep trying to please him no matter how many times I may have to ask for forgiveness. And I know he is a God of mercy and he will forgive me, he knows my heart. He knows what I want to do... to be a blessing to others, be inspiring to others and help lift them out of the hole I was once in and apparently still fall into.
This is my purpose and everyone of you have your purpose, whatever that may be. You were put here for a reason and yes, life sucks at times but you got this.
One more day...one more step as my favorite Smokie Norville song I understand says.
That's all you need to do, take one more step, get through one more day...
We will all get though this but we need to believe it will get better, we must let go of stress and fear and know he's got this.
We must trust that these are all lessons, if we are willing to look for the lesson.
We are all soldiers and trust and believe we are in the battle of our lives. We need to know to get to the next level we need to know much is required. If success was easy, everyone would be successful. It's not and sometimes we need to learn skills before we get there, we must learn loss, hard times, people betraying us, hard life lessons to get us to the next place.
So today my friends, remember in these trying times, my favorite Winnie the Pooh quote;
"You are BRAVER than you believe.
STRONGER than you seem.
SMARTER then you think
And LOVED more than you know.
And you will get through this...
I will be here fighting with you and cheering you on..
You got this...
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**
***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
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