Teaching my girls to be self sufficient and live life large

Teaching my girls to be self sufficient and live life large

It's really hard to raise children in today's world. You try your best but they don't come with manuals, even though everything else in the world does. Hell, even your car comes with a 100 page manual but with kids, your basically winging it.

Hopefully if your parents didn't fuck you up to bad, you might have a fighting chance at not fucking yours up too bad.
I was blessed for the most part to have parents that were wonderful and I learned a lot from them that I have tried to pass on to my girls.

My most important thing I needed to teach them as young women is to be self sufficient. To never depend on a man, to never be stuck in a situation like I was for so many years. Have your own money, your own career, know that you can do anything you set your mind to and never take no for a answer especially if they think it's because you are a women.

My dad's (I had a wonderful step dad and an amazing real father) taught me that a women can do anything as good as a man and not to be intimidated to take on any kind of project. I have taught this to my girls as well, go for it, live your life large, live your best life, on your terms.

Everyone I knew couldn't believe when I threw my big one out of my home last year. She was screwing up and I wasn't going to allow her to do that under my roof. This was tough love at it's finest.

My ex boyfriend gave her a car at a amazing deal, $3000 below book value, with no interest and great terms. She had a job and it was all good until she decided to quit her job without a backup plan.

She then putzed around, hanging out with her friends at the beach, really not looking for another job.
Meanwhile I was working 12 hours a day trying to pay her car payments, her insurance and her phone bill. Every night I would come home exhausted and there would be her and all her friends chilling in my house, eating all my food and basically using me while I was struggling.

That was it, I never had a free ride, her dad never got a free ride and she sure as hell wasn't getting one. I was not going to be one of those parents I know with 35 year old kids still on the couch playing video games while they support them.

I told her she had 3 months and then I was throwing her in the street. She thought I was kidding but 3 months to the day, there she was with her suitcases and the locks changed. Hello! I don't play!

She went to her dad's, she gave the car back and he made her get a job and enroll in college. Wow, look at that how fast you do something when you have no choice.

I tell you this story of tough love because exactly a year later, my girls who by the way are 19 and 21 are on a plane to Europe for 10 days. They saved their money, they planned the whole trip and off they went yesterday.

There are not enough words to tell you how proud of them I am. Yes, all my hard work paid off, all the fights, all of the punishments and the lectures paid off.
They are smart, beautiful, independent, self sufficient women and yes, they are living life large.

I always taught them that they could do anything and now they are. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for them as the possibilities are endless.

I am proud because not only are they beautiful on the outside and trust me I am not just another mom saying this...look at their picture but they are beautiful on the inside as well. They have huge hearts, they are compassionate, giving and caring. They are the best daughters a mother could hope for and I have to say it again...I am so proud of them.

So today my friends, remember you have only one job as parents, to raise compassionate, self sufficient adults and maybe just maybe... even without a manual we did alright raising them.

To my girls: Have a blast and make a lifetime of memories and remember I will always be here for you and be your biggest cheerleader! I love you both and am so proud of the women you are!

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
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