True determination

True determination

Yesterday while I was on this treadmill at the new gym I am going to while my old gym is being remodeled, I saw these two people walk in.

But they were not your ordinary gym goers, see one of them clearly had a stroke and the other had one leg. He was helping her along even though he looked like he was just getting used to having the leg prosthesis.

I literally stopped to watch them work out. It was hard for them, clearly they were both in pain doing the exercises they were doing but they were here and they were doing it.

How many of us make excuses for not coming to the gym? We are to busy, we don't have the time, it hurts, our hair, we like our sleep...insert your bullshit story here.

Yes, we can come up with 100 reasons not to come but here are these two people so determined to do this, even with the obstacles they are facing.

People's determination amazes me, my favorite story is of these two women who were doing a marathon. As they were coming to the last few feet before the finish line, one of them tripped and fell. The women right behind her tripped over her and fell as well.

The first women tried to get up but her legs were like jello, try as she may she couldn't do it. The women behind her was in the same predicament as they both tried over and over to stand and finish the race.

The first women looked like she was about to give up but then something looked like like it clicked. You could see the determination on her face, so she started to crawl to the finish line, she was determined to finish, no matter what. The second women saw her and started to do the same thing. This was the most amazing thing I ever watched as both of these women were so determined to finish any way they could and they would even crawl to do it.

When the first women crossed the finish line, the crowds went nuts. But she didn't take in her victory, she then turned and help pull the women who was behind her over the finish line and they both collapsed in each other's arms.

That to me was the true meaning of determination, even if you have to crawl, by God I am going to finish!
Never giving up, never making excuses, doing all it takes, no matter what it takes, to finish.

That is my motto in life, yes, I may get knocked down, beat up, get my ass handed to me but hell if I'm giving up. I am here 5 days a week at 5 am on this dam treadmill and trust and believe there are many mornings I do not want to get my ass out of bed but I do it. I am determined not to be taken out like the rest of my family by heart disease, so I do what I have to.

I am here because I write this blog 5 days a week and  people follow me and expect to read this. I am here because I am determined to be an international blogger one day and I refuse to give up.

Look stop telling yourself all the bullshit lies, stop saying tomorrow, stop saying I can't and start saying I will, I can, I must.

Be like these two amazing people I saw this morning and don't let any obstacles stand in your way. You can do it, anything is possible...
And as I say at the end of every blog...Be the change you want to see..

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


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