The steps to overcome anything

The steps to overcome anything

If you look around lately you will realize that you are not the only one that has been going through things.

It's like the universe is going crazy. Things coming at you, people that you know who are usually positive are feeling depressed, it's that feeling of being overwhelmed and sad.
It's been happening to so many people I've talked to lately including myself.

I was in this funk for weeks and for me, that never happens but it seemed like I couldn't shake it. With speaking to others I realized I was not alone in this funk, we were all feeling this...whatever "this" was.
So many people asked me what I did to get out of it. Well if you know me, you know I am a huge Tony Robinns fan and so I took his advice and did these steps to change my life.

1. Feed your mind:

Stand guard to the door of your mind, meaning everything you let in can change you...
If you let in positive thoughts, you will think positive. If you let in negative thoughts, you will think negative, simple as that.

I watched motivational and inspirational videos every morning. I read books, I took classes to learn, grow and change. You have to feed your mind, it's the universal law what you put out there will return to you.
So no matter how bad it gets, I continued to do this, to feed my mind with positive things.

2. Feed and strengthen your body:

I had hurt my back and I was in such a funk I wasn't even working out. I slept in, I felt horrible, I gained weight and then that made me feel worst.

After weeks of this I had enough and I started to go to the gym again and started to do yoga again. This moment changed my life, it made me feel alive and got not just my body moving but my mind as well.
You won't believe the difference I felt when I stated doing this again, what a huge change. Your mind and body are definitely connected and I swear to you, exercise will change your mindset and your life.

3. Find a role model:

For me my role models are Tony Robinns, Oprah, Steve Harvey, Maya Angelou,
Nelson Mandela or Nobel prize winner and Holocaust Survivor Elie Wiesel.

These people went through some horrible times, they overcame bad childhoods, being poor, homeless, being unjustly jailed for years or surviving the worst imaginable crimes in a Nazi concentration camp for years, yet they overcame their circumstances.

It didn't make them bitter it made them better. Nelson Mandela and Elie Wiesel both said if it made them like their captives, then they would be no better.
They forgave, they still showed love to others, they survived things most of us couldn't imagine. Yet they overcame...they overcame and that means so can you and so can I.

4.Get a plan and take action:

I decided to get a plan and take action, I was going to do something to change my attitude. I made a plan I was going to go to the gym if it killed me. I was going to watch YouTube every chance I got. I was going to fill my mind with positive thoughts, I was going to think about my role models and what they went through and have faith.
I was going to pray during the storm no matter how bad it got and how much it was knocking me down.
I was going to tackle my list of to do's one thing at a time and if I didn't get it all done it wasn't the end of the world. But I had a plan to change how I was feeling and I took action.

5. Feed your spirit:

For me this was the biggest thing that helped me. I prayed and let God worry. I can't change everything and worrying about it wouldn't help, so I let it go to him.
I praised him even though my tears, I gave thanks because I have been in worst places and I know he will get me though this too. I gave to others, even when I had little myself. I know the best feeling is giving to others, to realize no matter how bad you think your situation is there is someone out there worst off then you.

My favorite time of year is now as my church feeds 3000 families with 2 bags of groceries and a Turkey. There is nothing better than seeing these families who would otherwise not have food for Thanksgiving get this gift. It makes me even more grateful for what I have and to be able to help others.

So today my friends, these are the things I did to change my mind set, to get me out of my funk and get me back on track with the living. You must be willing to step out of your comfort zone to change your life. You must be willing to feed your mind, feed your body, make a plan and take action. You must be willing to look for role models and know if they can do it, so can you and you must be willing to feed your spirit and give back, pray and find gratitude even in the smallest things.

This I promise you, this will change your life, this will pull yourself out of the funk your in and get you moving again.
But you must be willing to do these things as hard as they may be, it is your life and you own it, take charge and as I say at the end of every the change you want to see.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


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