Raising my girls right

Raising my girls right

Yesterday when I got home my girls asked me if I voted, I laughed because they knew I did. So I asked if they had voted and they said "Of course, you raised us right"

I was so proud of them, I had raised not one but two amazing young women. And let me tell you that is no easy feat especially in this day and age.

It was not easy, I was worried for a while with both of them. They had got into trouble, hung out with the wrong crew, screwed up in school and after the divorce it seemed to get worse, yet still they turned out great.

I feel, we as parents have one job, to raise self sufficient, compassionate, caring children. So they can go forward into their lives and change things for their generation.

So many parents want to be "friends" with their children, they don't want to discipline them. So they let them get away with all kinds of foolishness. I was an old school mom who didn't play. I whooped their ass's when they needed it, I punished them and kept my word about it. I once "Dr.Philed" my big one's ass by taking everything out of her bedroom, including her bedroom door and left her with only a mattress on the floor. I made them understand consequences for the decisions they made.

I taught them that everyone is the same, from the President to the janitor and that you treat people with love, respect and compassion.

I taught them to dance to the beat of their own drummer and screw what anyone else has to say, this is your life, live it large.

I taught them to stand up and speak out for others who have no voice. To do what is right even when it is not the popular thing to do.
I taught them to be strong, independent women with their own ideas and backbones.
To not to be afraid to speak their minds and to know nothing is impossible if you work hard and believe.

So yesterday when they came home and they said they voted because they knew what was at stake and they wanted to be a part of the change, I knew I had done my job well.

It is not always easy but it is worth it, to see your children doing the right thing, being a contributing part of society, it is then you know you did your job right.

So today my friends, remember it is up to you to teach your children right from wrong. It is up to you how they turn out and how they treat others. It's not your job to be their friends, it's your job to be their parent, so do the right thing.

I just want to give a shout out to my amazing daughters Victoria and Sarah, I am so proud of you both, you are amazing young women who have the whole world in front of you. You got this! You will change the world just by being in it...I love you both♡♡

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
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