Letting go of the clutter

Letting go of the clutter

So if you follow me you know that I am an Professional Organizer, this is what I do. It is a sickness for me that is in my personal life as well as in my professional life.

Everything must be in order, everything must have a place otherwise I feel off balanced. I am nervous and cannot relax if anything is out of that order. 

When I go to a friend or family's home and they have clutter all I can think about is how I can't concentrate, how I have this feeling of needing to clean it up in order to relax and breathe. I don't understand how people can live in disorder, how it feels like it is so much chaos in their lives.

I tell my clients all the time that your home should rise up to meet you,  that it should be your safe haven against the world. Some place that you can relax and feel free but how can you do that when everything around you is a mess. Cluttered home, cluttered mind, chaos home, chaos in your mind, it all goes hand know hand.

During this self confinement I have had a lot of time to get my own home in order, to clean out my files, my own "clutter" that is very organized by the way but that even I have. To let go of things that no longer serve me. I realize now, how hard it is for my clients to do this as well. I have put myself in their shoes and started to dig deep on why I do what I do.

8 years ago my mother passed away suddenly, it totally devastated me as she was my best friend. It also taught me that life was too short and I finally found the courage to walk away from my verbally abusive marriage. 

While I was moving out after the  divorce, I took this big black leather recliner that was hers with me, first to my new townhouse and then when I bought my own place. It didn't match with any of my decor but I was holding on to it because it was hers, it was a part of her that I couldn't let go of. As much as I disliked the chair I still held on to it, as if somehow getting rid of it would be getting rid of a piece of her.

These last few weeks have given me perspective on many things in my life, and what's really important. I realized that I was holding on to this like many of my clients do to their things. It was a need to hold on to something to feel in control, that I was worried about letting it go and maybe feeling like you're letting go of that person. 

I realized that my mom is always going to be with me whether or not I have many things from her or no things from her, she will always be with me. I knew it was time to let this chair go, I needed to move on from what was keeping me stuck. 

And so I finally decided to sell it,  and when the person came to get it, I wasn't sad, I made my peace with it going and I moved on. I now look at the new chair I bought, the beautiful one that matches my newly decorated room and know that I did the right thing.

So today my friends, I ask you what are you keeping that is holding you back? What are you holding on to that is no longer serving you? You need to recognize it, honor it and then let it go. If you want to change your life it must start on the inside and on the outside, it must all come together as one.

Letting go frees you up, and as the late, great Dr. Whayne Dyer once said

 "It frees up room for more blessings to come into your life"

And right now we can all use some more blessings in our lives.

So let go of the clutter, let go of the chaos, let go of what is holding you back from the best life you can have, I promise you, it will be so worth it.

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed


***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

Selling on my website



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