Step into your future

Step into your future 

Can we see our future? Can we step into our future with what is going today?

Do we even have a good future?

With all of the crime going on, with our hearts going cold and our country in a state of unrest it is hard to imagine our future. Hell, there are some days that we are just trying to get through one day yet alone think about our future.

Maybe you're dealing with unemployment or your business is going down or you're dealing with the illness itself, there are so many things going on now and it's tough for all of us.

You may even be asking God, "Do I have a future? Do I have a bright future? What's going to happen to me?

Yes, during hard times we question God, but we must remember the plans God has for us, for good and not evil.

But you cannot choose to hold on to fear, to doubt and all you see is the negative. No, you must have faith, no matter what, you need to believe, you must believe that God has a good outcome for you. I know that some people won't believe it, some people will laugh at me because they only see what they see…But I know what God has for me.

Let the haters go, forget the people who are not in the same mindset as you. Let them go,  don't argue with them because they will never change so stop wasting your time trying to convince them to believe what you believe. There is a point when you realize that it's never going to happen.

All of us have problems, all of us have obstacles in our way, yet somehow, someway  through the grace of God we made it.

I know it was bad enough when you are struggling with your own issues, maybe a job you hate, your struggling with haters that talk about you, maybe it's your finances that are killing you and then comes this pandemic and  you and the whole world is experiencing this and it adds more crap on top of your all ready problems. You think to yourself I can't handle this.

 And just when you think it couldn't get any worst, they throw in the horrific murder of George Floyd and all the racism into the mix and the world has gone crazy and now it is way to much to handle, to deal with.

I am here to tell you that no matter what is going on in the world and even with all the chaos going on around you, you need to have faith. Look I know it's hard but just think of all God has done before, all he keeps doing.

I know that there are people trying to paint what your future will look like, trying to keep you down but if you could see what God has for you, you would walk into the future with confidence.

You would walk with your head held high knowing he's got you.

I believe many of you might be asking that question: "What is in my future and can we really have love, peace, joy and unity in this crazy world?

Not unless you can love one another, we cannot say that we are Christians and stop promoting the hate. 

We are not supposed to judge

We are supposed to love and accept.

We are not supposed to bring God's wrath on other's.

We are supposed to love them and maybe when they are shown that love, they too, will want to come into the kingdom as well.

 I know you may be thinking they will never change their ways, their beliefs. They are racist, they are bad, they have hatred in their hearts. Let me remind you that Paul was on his way to kill Christians and Jesus met him not with judgment but with love.

Christians have become the policeman of the nations, we think we are better than everyone because of the fact that we are Christians.

If we just remember that God so loved the world, he gave his beloved son for us…

If we could only remember the love of God and what he would say. He would say I will never hurt my brother and sister.

I will love everyone just as God has.

We need to have hope that this world will have peace. I have hope that God will turn things around and God will stamp out this ugly behavior in so many of us. That this will be part of our testimony and we will tell our great grandchildren that we saw and what happens when God shows his love towards us.

We must believe in God's words…

"Be still… and know that I am God...I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the world"

Encourage yourself, look around at the uncertainty and know that God has you. I know these bills are piling up and the storms are coming at you…. But you must trust that God has you and he will take care of you….

Be still and know that this too shall pass….

He who has begun a good work in you...he has you, he knows the beginning from the end…

I know sometimes we feel like the world is imprisoning us, the walls are closing in on us, we can't breathe and we don't think we can make it. It is during these dark times we must remember that even David who was in prison knew his future. He knew what God had him, even in the dungeon he held on to his faith. He knew he was doing this for the call of Christ. He knew God would finish it and this was not the end.

How about when Paul was in prison said "Because of my chains most of my brothers and sisters have become confident in the lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear"

Even in prison he was speaking on faith and believed he had a future.

So today my friends, this message is to let you know that for me, I have to keep preaching love. I must keep loving the haters because you never know who you may touch. You never know if your words of kindness and non judgment may change their hearts. We all must do our part as Christians, we must be the light, we must keep the faith and we must step into our futures with hope, love and gratitude for all God has for us.

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

Selling on my website



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