Refuel and keep moving
Refuel and keep moving
Have you ever been so tired that you can't eat, you can't sleep? You are so drained you have no energy for anything? Are you even too tired to sleep?
I know many of us are feeling this way especially during this pandemic and the unrest in the world lately. It seems heavy, like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and it is hard to walk, to get going, hard to do anything.
I know I feel it and with speaking to many people they feel it too. It's like you get up and go just got up and left.
Sometimes it's the way it is in your faith to walk too, things get so hard that you can't even pray, you lose hope, you have no strength left, you feel you can't go on. I get it, I've been there. When you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
But I know that within all of us, there is a fighter. I'm here to tell you that you do have the courage to go on. it's in all of us. There is a button inside all of us, that if you push it hard enough, you will fight back. Yes, trust me we all have that button, it is in there.
Don't let the challenges of life drain you, don't let the family drama drain you, don't let the negative people in your life suck you dry. Don't allow outside things to get to you. Even the pandemic, no work, little money, civil unrest, none of it should keep you down. You've got to learn to get up every day and say it's going to be a good day, say that no one is going to suck the energy out of me, today I will be in peace.
This is your choice, you know what you have to do to change your life.
You hold the key to what your future will be like, no one else but you! Yes, I know your thinking is so hard, that you can't make it one more day, that hey you're a Christian shouldn't this be easier?
What, you thought because you turned your life over to God it was magically going to be perfect? The bible never told you this journey would be easy but it did say we will overcome. We believe that we are more than conquerors, we are overcomers! There will be many tests before you will have a testimony and I know some of them will be hard but we must hold on, hold on to that tiny mustard seed of faith, just hold on.
I know your over all of this, the pandemic, the quarantine, the mask wearing, the no jobs,no money and now the racial unrest and protesting. Families fighting against each other, friends who you thought you knew turning out to be racists, it's just too much. Too much to deal with and too much to believe that it will all get better.
So then why don't we start small, what about just being grateful for all the small things. Why don't you start there, then find other things you are grateful for. Before long you will be grateful for all things in your life.
The load you carry each day is a sign that you can handle it, that it will not kill you, that you have the grace to deal with your situation and every problem you face.
God gives you the grace and it is sufficient for you to go on. His power is perfect in your weakness... you can be kept if you know he is there for you.
So today my friends, the level of your problems will tell the size of your blessings...
You must hold on, you must keep going, you are not knocked out, just knocked down. The fight is not over, you can still win if you don't give up. All you need to do is change your life, keep holding on to the faith, never stop believing and stop and refuel when your feeling low,
Because you can't drive on empty.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website
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