60% of people lie on social media

60% of people lie on social media

During this pandemic I've noticed that there have been many suicides, so many people cannot face what is going on. Depression has gotten to so many people who already felt hopeless to begin with. Many times, with many people, we don't see it coming because no one talks about the issues of their lives. We look at Robin Williams. Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain and we think they had perfect lives and yet they all took their own lives. 

They were all in pain and they never spoke of it, see we only see what people want us to see and most of it is lies.

I just read an article that said 60% of people lie on social media...Yes...60%, I was shocked. I figured yes, some people lie but 60%? That is a lot of bullshit out there.

I get it, on social media you can make up the life you want to have, you can appear to be richer, you can elude having a bigger house, having the perfect family, and being extremely happy.

I know when it comes to dating there is a lot of lying going on there. The statistics are definitely higher and I'll bet they didn't include that in their count, I can tell you that for sure.

In dating they lie about their age, their weight, their height, their hair. I laugh because for some men being in shape means, like a round shape. Working out means getting up and down from the couch to the fridge for more beer. And then there's the pictures from 10 years ago or just head shots...please, let me not go there!

Yes, I know for a fact more than 60% lie on dating sites. But that must have been another survey, all in itself.

Look, I know all about lying on social media, I was one of those people. I put up pictures of my "happy" family, ohhh look here we are with all our toys…

How sweet, look at all our stuff. Look at our fancy vacations, to this perfect place or that amazing place...ohhh.. aren't we just the perfect family?

When in reality my life was a hot frigging mess. I hated him, he was horrible to me and my kids were afraid of him, I hated my life. Every night I cried in my bathtub with wine and sleeping pills just to survive, but if you looked at me or saw my social media page, we were the perfect family. Please, I needed to get the Oscar for my performance...Yes, I was definitely one of the 60%.

So why did I lie? I had a big ego, I didn't want anyone to know how bad I screwed up, how I picked yet another bad one. How I moved 1500 miles, leaving everything for a man I knew nothing about. I liked the big life, showing off...look at what I got. See, I wasn't going to be stuck in that hick town with nothing, I had something to prove, or so I thought.

But as we grow and learn, we realize that the truth will set you free...well apparently I did, maybe just not quite the other 60%. It's so much better not to lie, to live real, to be your true self and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

I am no longer worried about the skeletons in my closet, I let them out, there is nothing to hide and that is an amazing feeling.

Like me or not, I don't really care, you do not pay my bills.

Yes, I can raise my hand and admit that I screwed up more times than I have fingers and toes… and that's okay.

Yes, I've fallen on my face in front of the whole world...so?

Yes, I've picked the losers time and time again...and your point is?? I am human, I've made many mistakes but I am no longer afraid of the truth.

Look we've all been there and  done stuff we may not be proud of and you're lying if you say no you haven't. I now chose my own my shit, to find the lesson in it, to put it out for the world to see, and to hopefully teach others lessons from my mistakes. I lived so many years in the shadows, in the dark, worrying about people finding out my truth for too long and that will never happen again! 

So today my friends ask yourself are you part of the 60%? 

and if you're truthful (Even just to yourself) ask yourself why? 

What are you afraid of?

So what if people knew? Are they going to leave? If they do then they weren't ever really there for you to begin with.

Are you worried that you'll lose face? So what in 2 months no one will remember or care.

Is it that your real life isn't as great as your social media life?

Obviously neither is 60% of people, so you're not alone.

Let it go, live in your real life, let the skeletons out...it doesn't have to be Halloween to do so.

Free yourself, learn from your mistakes, help others come out of their closets, except others for their truths. It will blow your mind how freeing it is...live your authentic life, don't be one of the 60% of people lying on social media. 

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed


***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

Selling on my website



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