The racist among us

The racist among us

Okay, I'm gonna say it. 

Yes, I'm going to go there. 

I'm sorry.

You know what... I'm not sorry.

This whole killing of George Floyd and what has to happen afterwards has brought out everyone who was once hiding in their closets.

Oh yes, I am definitely going there. Look, we've all seen it, your friends, your co-workers, even your family members that had their white sheets hidden away in the back of their closet,  now thinking it's okay to bring them out, since everyone else is. It has become the wild, wild west, as all bets are off and the sheets are out. 

Yes, the hiding away of their racism is out, the gig is up and here they are loud and proud to be the horrible racist that they are. We now get to see people for who they truly are, people who have hatred in their hearts, who have no compassion, and who can't imagine doing any kind of acts of kindness for anybody but their "own kind"

Yes, I said it! So here's your chance to delete me, to unfriend me or to block me….guess what? I don't give a shit!

So what has gotten my panties in a bunch this time? I wrote a beautiful blog about my daughter's asking me if this was the end of the world. I wrote about how I was feeling sad and how I have no answers for them. I wrote about praying and about changing things that I put out in this world. What did I want the world to hear from me and how I wanted my girls to know what I stand for. And guess what? Someone who I used to consider a dear friend of mine decided that my post was full of hate, yes..he actually said that! He went on to say that people have been killed for years but only now, I picked this president to hate and to spew my hate on.

Wtf? Where did I ever say that in this blog? And besides the fact I don't hate anyone because no one is worth my precious time to hate. I refuse to give that much power to anyone or anything. Look let's call a spade a spade here, since everything is coming to light. Yes, I hate how he treats women, I hate his policies, I hate the fact that so many people blindly follow him and think what he says or does is alright but all of this is a mute point because I was not talking about any of it here. 

If he did follow me or if he took the time to actually read my blog, he would have read that I have taken a stand against pointing the finger or enticing any more hatred out there. But obviously he wasn't paying attention! No, he just decided to come into my house and shit on my floor for apparently no frigging reason.

Here's the thing, I've seen his post before and I realized way before this that he is a racist, but I let it go based on our long time friendship. I have never once went on his page or any of my many other newly coming out of the closet rasicst friends and family and told them that they were stupid because they were racist, or that their posts were wrong (I figure they already know that, so why bother) 

Yet they clearly seem to think it's okay to come on mine and tell me what they think..

Yes, I realize that they are "the good old boys" who think that if you aren't a good ole boy that you shouldn't be in the club. 

I've listen to them all spout out hatred, and how everyone else is stupid if you don't back 45.

I've seen their opinions on how everybody else is wrong and their opinions are right and yet I let it go.

Recently my cousin Carol asked me why I still have so many openly racist people as my friends and family on my page? My answer was I wanted them to see my message of hope, of love and of compassion. That maybe just maybe, it may change something inside of them, melt the hatred in their hearts. Yes, I know that's quite Tinkerbell of me but somehow I still had hope for that.

But there comes a time when even Tinkerbell says fuck it, when you know that hatred has burned a person's heart black to the core and there is no coming back from that. When you have to say I'm done letting you poison my page and hurting my heart. 

Now my other cousin, who is a racist, chimed in on this and told me that I should have thick skin as I put my shit out here for everyone to see but here's the thing, this is on my private page, a page that is only for my close friends who I actually know and love and my family. These are the people that I thought I knew and loved. This was not some random stranger whose opinion I could care less about, these are people who know me and what I stand for. People who I thought I knew and trusted and yet, even knowing that you're a racist I allowed you the freedom to say what you will because I believe in freedom of speech and the fact that I love you.

But here you are attacking me, on my page because I clearly don't believe what you do…

nah, that shit is not going to happen anymore. Not in this lifetime.

So today, to all the racist out there who are on my page, all of my "so called" friends and family, you can delete me after reading this because I am calling you all out and you know what? We will see who actually does do it, we will truly see the racist for who you are and guess what? Good riddance to bad garbage because at least we will all know the racist among us.

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

Selling on my website



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