Where there is smoke, there is fire
Where there's smoke, there is fire
With all that's going on lately in the world you may have lost the fire inside of you, but I am here to remind you that there is still smoke inside of you.
As long as you still have some smoke in you, even though you may be weak at times, that is enough to relight the fire.
You may be tired, you had been running the race right, doing all the right things. You may have had big faith, reading your word, fellowshipping with others but then you took your eyes off the price, things may have happened that shook your faith and then you lost your fire for God.
Maybe you think you are not where you want to be, not where God wants you to be, but God knows what's inside of you.
He knows that you still got that smoke inside of you, so don't give up and you will get through this moment.
Some of you have lost your fire for life, you've lost the joy of living, the joy of believing, you may not be on fire for God right now but there is some smoke left in you, and if you fan it, trust that it will turn back into fire.
You need to fan the flames because it is easy for the fire to go out, it's easy to have smoke but no fire.
No matter what challenges we have before us we need to fan the flames, we have the ability to show our greatness within us.
He did not give us the spirit to be fearful, to be intimated, but instead he has given us the spirit of love, of calm and of faith.
We need to learn to turn our misery into joy, there's enough in you to get you into that blessed position. Keep on fighting, keep on believing. Don't you ever give up! Your dreams may be big but where you are at now does not fit with the dreams you have, even still, do not let go of your dreams, keep dreaming big.
Don't let your mind tell you differently, don't let people discourage you, even though you're not there now, don't let go of your faith.
Even if you feel beaten down and you no longer have big faith, that's okay, It is not the size of your faith that keeps you going. We must all remember the bible verse, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, that's all you need. That's it, a tiny bit of faith will keep you going.
Let me ask you this, do you believe that your God is able? Does it look like what your going through is too big to overcome? If so just remember David and Goliath, it wasn't about his size, it was about his faith.
I know you're thinking I'm all by myself, you lost your job, you are struggling in life and you can't live out your dreams right now but trust and believe there is still hope, keep fanning the flame. You're still alive and that means there is still hope. We must remember but for the grace of God you are where you are right now. Hold on to your faith, be the light, don't count others out, you don't know what they are going through, but it's up to you to encourage others, to lift others up, to give others hope because that is what Jesus wants from us.
Through it all we must remember to trust him.
Though I am broke, I still trust you.
Though I am hurting, I still trust you.
In the midst of this pandemic, I still trust you.
Without a job or money, I still trust you.
If you keep watering that word, if you fan the flames you will make it grow, you will set it on fire.
One thing to do is you need to be grateful, say thank you God, I trust you that you will supply my every need. I am not going to be negative, I am not going to worry about what is around me because I trust in him.
Jesus said "Why of ye of little faith, why did you doubt?"
So stop doubting him, let your fears go.
So here are 4 things to remember, when fanning the flames:
1.God's visitation comes in the darkest moments of your life.
You might not see the light or the blessings right now but he hasn't left you.
"I will show up when your back is against the wall"
Know that he will show up and show out.
2. Your inability to discern God can result in a life of fear.
There will be times that God shows up and you don't believe it is him.
But remember, all things will work together for our good.
3. Your life can experience a turnaround if you take faith risks.
Peter said "Lord if it is you, command me to come to you on the water"
He took that risk, maybe God is looking for you to be the one to say in spite of my lack, in spite of what I don't understand, in spite of all of that, I still trust you!
4. Mixing faith and doubt is a recipe for disaster.
Joy and sorrow can't go together, faith and fear can't go together, you must trust and let go of everything else.
So today my friends, remember don't give up because where there is smoke, there is fire.
Know that it is still in you, and keep fanning the flames.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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