Baptizing and getting close to God

Baptism and getting close to God 

So if you follow me, you know that I am a believer, and if you're not or if you believe in something else, I am good with that. We all need something to believe in, and I am not here to tell you what you should or shouldn't believe in. On Mondays, I write about what I've learned in church. If this isn't for you, then I'll see you on Tuesday.

The bible says repent and then be baptized. 
God is telling you yes, give your life to me, and then be baptized. 
Jesus was baptized because he showed that he was in full obedience to his father.

The bible says that baptism is the only way to righteousness. This act shows that you are obedient. It provides accountability. When you get baptized, it's a public confession. A celebration, you have announced that you are now a new creation. 
Baptism is the permission for your brothers and sisters to hold you accountable in what you said you wanted to do.

I was baptized as a baby in the Catholic church. This was not by choice, my choice. This was my parents' choice. Years later, when I got divorced and I found my way back to God and found a church that I wanted to call home, it was then I chose to be baptized. This was my choice, I wanted to do this in front of family and friends to show my accountability that I was choosing God and giving my life over to him.

I am a big believer in everything that happens for a reason, and this was no different. This Baptism happened to be on my father's death date, which to me meant a new life, a new memory for this date. It also happened on the same day I closed on a new place and when I sold my business. All of these things made me feel like my dad was watching out for me. 

The most amazing thing was that the woman who brought me to this church, the last person on earth that I would have originally thought would have brought me closer to God, did this with me. She was also never baptized, and we did it together, which made it that much more special to me. For me, it was a full circle moment.

Baptism, for me, was a way to get close to the Lord, to show everyone that I was choosing him. All of these things that came together on this date gave me the faith that I was truly doing the right thing.

So today, my friends, if you gave your life over to God and have not been baptized, ask yourself why? This is the next step in your faith walk. This was what Jesus himself did and then did for others. Start your life over, start fresh, and get close to God.
Go and get baptized.

"Be the change you want to see"
"Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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