Why are you worried if you have faith

Why are you worried if you have faith?

Are you worried about unfinished business?

Are you worried about your degree? 

Are you worried about finding a husband or wife? 

Are you worried that you can't pay your bills?

Especially during these times, when the world seems to have lost its mind, we must remember where our help comes from. We must remember our faith. When they put Jesus on the cross, he said it is finished and we have to believe that. He said he would supply all of our needs, not some but all. So then why are you worried? Do you not trust his word?

Life's a journey that we must go through. It has its ups and downs, and it has challenges for every one of us. No one is going to get through life unscathed. It's just not possible. We all will have hard times, we all will lose people we love, we all will be hurt by others and hurt people we love because this is life and we are human.

If that is the case, then the question is, who do you have faith in during these times? Jesus said it is done, he said before you were born I formed you, I gave you the ability to stand and see the ability of God, so then again I ask you why do you worry?

Even if you can't see it and you don't think it is in your favor, you must remember that you are a child of God. He knows the beginning and the end. You must hold on to that fact. Hold on to your faith even if it is the size of a mustard seed. Just hold on to it.

You may be going through a lot of things, but you can not let the challenges of life push you over the edge. You have to know that God is keeping you. He is providing for you and that he has you. Even though it feels like you've been hell, you must hold on. Do not base the temperature on what the weather says. Base it on what God has said.

All good things are covered by the blood of Jesus, and every day, you should ask God what does he has for you? What does he want you to do? You have to look for your opportunities. You must look for the lessons because there is always a lesson in everything that happens to us.

Remember, Jesus didn't worry about Peter. He already knew that he would leave him or that Judas would betray him because he knew his assignment. Yet still, he kept on the path of his assignment, never worrying about anything else.

You are here on assignment, a mission from God. Therefore, if I am in union with the father, I am covered. 

"Who shall ever will….will be covered"
I do not tell you all of this and say, "Do as I say not as I do." I live this. I do not worry about anything, nothing, zilch, nada, because I know that God has me. I know what he's done for me and where my help comes from, so I no longer worry.

So today, my friends, I am here to tell you that you are covered, you are here on assignment from God, and you must hold on. You have to trust the word of God, and you must let go of your fears. The biggest question you need to ask yourself is, why are you worried if you have faith?

"Be the change you want to see"
"Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed


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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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