When you refuse to see what's in front of you, you might as well be blind
When you refuse to see what's in front of you, you might as well be blind.
There are so many people out there today who refuse to see what's going on in their life. They choose to close their eyes and pretend it's not happening.
It's like putting the covers over your head and wishing it will go away. Being able to face things is called being a grown-up for a reason. You have to grow up. You can't go on pretending it doesn't exist.
We know that it only works when you're 5 years old, but eventually, you have to grow up and face reality. Whatever it is, it's your reality to face. I can't hide from my reality because I put it out there each and every day for everyone else in the world to see.
There is no hiding from the truth in my life. I choose what I write about. You can't be afraid if it's out there, and there are no secrets if you tell them first. Yet, so many people chose to still be blind.
There's the friend who kids are out of control, but they are still saying, "Not my kid, they would never do that."
I have always been first to say, "Yup, it probably was my kid." It sounds like something I would do when I was that age!
The person you know who's addicted to pills, whose life is out of control. Who doesn't remember what happened yesterday or the week before because they are too stoned to be part of reality. Yet when friends try to help, they refuse to see that they have a problem.
The friend that can't get through the day without a drink, they hide it and sneak it, hoping no one will know. I put it out there, I had a drinking and drug problem. Yes, I did. I am not afraid someone will find out. It's already out there.
The women who believed a lying, cheating man. Who opened up and was taken advantage of but can't tell anyone because she feels stupid and worried about what everyone will think?
Guess what? It happened to me, and I chose to tell my story to help others. I've learned a lesson and have moved on.
Or the mother who refuses to see the damage her child is causing in so many people's lives. Yet, he still justifies his behavior even though his behavior is the same now as a "grown" man as it was when he was 17. She chooses to be blind even when presented with the facts over and over.
It doesn't matter what you are trying to hide. To put in the back of that closet, it will be coming to get you eventually. Your secrets will be out, and then what? Will the world stop? Is it the end of mankind? No, it will sting, just like pulling a band-aid off. It will sting for a minute, then it's over.
Then guess what? You no longer will have to hide. You will no longer look over your shoulder. You will no longer have to worry. It's out there, and it's over.
Now, here's the big thing, what lessons did you learn? Whenever something happens in my life, that is the first question I ask. Then I ask, how can I change and how can I help others?
So today, my friends, I am here to tell you that yes, we all have things we would rather not look at. Yes, it's scary, but hiding will never make it go away or make it better. You need to open your eyes and own your truth. Trust me when I tell you that it's amazing how beautiful the world is when you do.
"Be the change you want to see"
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