

The month of August, which is the number 8, means new beginnings, a season of new beginnings. We all want a new beginning, a reset in our lives, but we must remember that your improvements should cost what you can afford to pay but not afford to miss.

You can't be looking at what others have and be thinking why are they blessed and not me. This may not be your time. All of this is on God's time.
You must look into the mirror and know that God made you, that you are perfectly made, know his word, and know that you are enough. I know that is hard in today's world. Everyone's perception is based on other's likes, what people follow them, and what others' lives look like compared to yours. God doesn't want you to live your life based on what others think of you, just what he does.

You see, there is a connection between who we are and what we think. We may do the complete opposite of who we are because of exposure or ignorance. We must know that whatever you are repeating, you are perfecting. Read that again.

Ask yourself what you have talked yourself out of? Because you didn't think you were good enough or smart enough or young or old enough.
When you are perfecting who you're not, you will never discover who you are, which is one of the greatest tragedies to live with.

I know that getting better hurts. You have to strip your ways and stand up and change. You have to deny yourself and give yourself over to God.
We are made and unmade by ourselves and our thoughts each and every day. But you must realize that you were made to work with God. We are not perfect. We are human, and we are all a work in progress.

So today, my friends, remember we all get a do over. Change is always possible if we know who we are and whose we are.
You need to place a demand on yourself for you to do better. We can all use some improvements.

"Be the change you want to see"


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