10 signs of a narcissist

The 10 signs of a narcissist

So yesterday, I wrote about not seeing the signs. Today, I'm giving you the signs you should look for. Many people don't really know what a narcissist is. They may have heard the term "narcissist," but unless you really have lived with someone who suffers from this, you have no idea.

Narcissism is a word from Greek mythology. As the story goes, Narcissus is a hunter who finds himself to be so beautiful that he becomes fixated by his own reflection in a pool. Such was his fixation that he lost the will to do anything else, and he died as a result. The story of Narcissus has inspired the name for a personality disorder known as narcissism.

A narcissist will have an exaggerated sense of self-importance. There are many signs of this disorder, but here are the top 10 signs to tell when someone is a narcissist.

1. He has no empathy.
He doesn't care about others, only what's in it for him.

2. He's a conversation hogger.
They must always take over the conversation, and they will inevitably always make the conversation about them.

The narcissist will often feel as though they are the most important person in the room. It's always about their perceived importance, and they expect others to just fall into line.

4. False Image Projection.
They always give the impression that they are highly successful. They need to have expensive cars, clothes or the best of everything, to show how important they are.

5.Rule Breaking
Narcissists tend to think that they are above ‘normal’ people, so the rules don't apply to them.

6.Strives for Perfection
The narcissist needs everything to be perfect, all of the time. But not just for themselves but also for everyone around them. Everyone must live up to this scrutiny of perfection.

A narcissist is charming, the life of the party. They can be romantic, outgoing, considerate, affectionate, and endearing when they are trying to get what they want.

A narcissist will have little problem in manipulating peoples’ thoughts and emotions to suit their needs. They will gladly try and influence other peoples

9.Desire for Control
The narcissist will usually have a strong desire to be in complete control. They have to be the ones that are leading the group, and they simply can not allow others to do as they think is best. They certainly can’t allow others to be in control. 

When everything is going well, the narcissist is more than happy to take the applause. Everything is going well because of them, and only them, and things would be quite different without them. When things are not going well, well, you better believe it is not their fault. They will blame everyone and everything around them.

So today, my friends, these are the signs of narcissism. They can come in men or in women, so make sure you learn them so you will know how to spot one a mile away.
You do not want to get involved with one because trust me, they will suck your self-esteem out of you. They will eventually make you feel stupid, useless, and to blame for everything that happens in life.
Don't get sucked in by their charm or their grand personality because it is all a facade to cover up the dark black hole where their heart should be.
You need to know the signs, listen to the voice that is telling you something is wrong, and then run like hell. Don't get caught up with a narcissist.

"Be the change you want to see"


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