Why can't we figure out men

Why can't we figure out men?

Since being single the last few years, I still can't figure out men. On my morning ride to work, I always call my girlfriend.
No, I am not a lesbian, though maybe it's not such a bad idea with all the winners I have dated. Okay, back to the morning ride, we talk about dating or sometimes the lack of dates, but mostly, we talk about trying to figure out men and relationships.

Things like why would a man you just started talking to send you a picture of his ass or his junk?

Or why after two texts do they think it's alright to talk dirty to you? When in big letters on your profile, it says clearly you're not looking to hook up? We are thinking that maybe they can't read.

Why is it that he chases you and you talk for months and then you go out and he doesn't call you back? 

Why do some men act so damn jealous when they say they just want to be friends?

Why do the first thing they write you are "Hey baby" or "Hi sexy mama" or "Hi hottie"
I never met you. Do you think those lines are really gonna woo me? NOT!

Why do men get mad when you tell them nicely that they are way too young for you, but thanks for the compliment or that you appreciate their interest, but don't think you'll be compatible. 

What's with ghosting? Have some balls and say "Hey I'm just not feeling this."

I asked my other girlfriends, and they have the same questions, and we all don't have any answers.
So she asked me because in her words, not mine, "I got big balls," to ask this question to my readers.

So today my friends, if you have any insight into these questions and the many others we keep scratching our heads about, please feel free to post and help us out.

In the meantime, I will keep calling my girlfriend 
and laughing all the way to work.
"Be the change you want to see"


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