Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday starts the 40 days leading up to Easter. It meaning is to give up something that you love or enjoy. It's so you can show God how much he means in your life.
Many people give up cigarettes, like my mother used to do a year after year for 40 days but then she went back afterwards every year.
Some people give up chocolate, or ice cream, maybe it's soda or drinking alcohol, whatever it is, it is supposed to reflect something that means alot to you and something that you love, so for everybody it's different.
So are you looking for something to give up for Lent?
Give up resentment and become more forgiving.
Give up hatred and return good for evil.
Give up complaining and be more grateful.
Give up pessimism and become more hopeful.
Give up worry and become more trusting.
Give up anger and become more patient.
Give up pettiness and become more noble.
Give up gloom and become more joyful.
Give up doubt and turn to God.
If you want to show God how much you actually love him, be a better person. Be God like, love one another.
This is the best gift you can give to him and yourself for the next 40 days.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The blessing in disguise.... revealed**
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